
YOGYAKARTA The body remains active and exercise regularly is recommended so that health is maintained. But what about fasting, of course the energy will weaken during the day to evening and at night it is time to rest. When should exercise, what exercise is good done during fasting, and how to arrange the right strategy to stay fit while fasting? This is the full explanation check from the doctor.

While fasting the body burns sugar reserves from carbohydrates for energy sources. After the carbo reserves from what we eat have run out, the body burns fat to be able to keep the energy in their activities. When fasting, it is not actually recommended to eat a little nutrients. Precisely because you eat a little, the body will absorb protein from the muscles. Doctor Hanifa Rahma, Team Doctor Ai-Care, provides tips for maintaining fitness during fasting, here's the list.

Foods that are calculated to balance the nutrition that the body needs, including those that contain carbohydrates, fats, and protein, along with fruits and vegetables. Well, the foods that need to be avoided are foods high in sugar, unhealthy fat, and foods that are fried or processed excessively.

Other tips, you can also choose foods that are high in fiber, such as oats and wheat, not too hungry or release energy longer. This recommended list of foods can be consumed when breaking the fast or sahur. But remember, don't eat too much sekalligus. Eat gradually and share the portion of carbo food to help distribute energy sources better.

Starting from breaking the fast, you need to fulfill the fluids that the body needs after fasting all day. During sahur, it is recommended to drink lots of water so that it remains hydrated throughout the day and during exercise.

During fasting, you can do low-intensity exercise. Such as fast walks, jogging, and light aerobics. Ideally, exercise is done in the morning or a time lag of 3 hours after eating. But it depends on each person because not everyone can exercise in the morning because they have to start activities or fulfill other obligations.

By getting good quality sleep, the tendency to snack and eat less during the day. But keep in mind, advises doctor Hanifa, don't force yourself to exercise.

When you feel weak, dizzy, and not strong, it's better not to encourage exercise during fasting. Do not do activities too heavy, including doing exercise with intensity exceeding the energy stored on fasting days.

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