
JAKARTA - Ramadan is the month that Muslims have been waiting for the most. Because this month, all acts of worship will be doubled in value. So it's no wonder that many people will compete even harder to carry out worship in this holy month.

Salah satu ibadah yang paling mendapat enthusiastically bagi umat untuk dikerjakan yaitu salat tarawih. Ini merupakan salat sunnah yang dilakukan pada malam hari setelah Isya, sebelum Subuh pada bulan Ramadan. Bisa dikatakan, melaksanakan ibadah idah tanpa salat sunnah Tarawih rasanya kurang lengkap lengkap.

The priority for people who perform tarawih prayers themselves is very large, namely to get forgiveness of sins. In this regard, the Prophet saw said,

This means, 'Whoever worships (tarawih) in the month of Ramadan while believing and sincere, then forgives him for past sins' (HR al-Bukhari, Muslims, and others).

The ulama agreed that the word qrypta Ramadhbulna means tarawih prayers. Strictly speaking, this hadith motivates people to perform tarawih prayers which may be said to be exclusive worship in the month of Ramadan. Even the promised reward is forgiveness of sins, with a note that they must be convinced of their virtues and carried out with sincerity. (as-Syirbini, Mughnil Muhtaj, tt; juz 1, h. 459)

However, a person's faith goes up and can go down. The more active the worship is done, the higher the level of faith. On the other hand, if worship starts to dim, faith will decrease. The same is the case with the implementation of tarawih prayers. On the first 10 to 15 days of Ramadan, the mosque is still crowded with worshipers who carry out tarawih. But after that, the mosque began to be quiet and the number of worshipers remaining was just a matter of fingers.

Whereas if you understand very well how much is the reward earned in maintaining the consistency of tarawih prayers, of course, it should be closer to Eid, more enthusiastic and tarawih as well as other worship.

In one of its hadith pieces, Rasulullah saw said,

This means, 'Indeed, a man who prays with Imam (congregation) until it is finished, then for him the full one-night worship reward is calculated.' (HR Abu Dawud)

This means that if the context of this hadith is applied to tarawih prayers, then whoever performs tarawih prayers until they are finished along with the lightning and dhikr and prayers with the priest, he will get the equivalent reward of bringing one night full of worship to life. Not to mention the night of Ramadan, the reward is definitely greater than other nights.

Furthermore, the scholars explained that the last ten days of Ramadan were the most potential animals for the arrival of Lailatul Qadar, the moment most dreamed of by the Prophet Muhammad saw. This means that if we consistently maintain tarawih prayers for up to one full month during Ramadan, there will be a lot of rewards, including achieving a night that is more important than a thousand months.

First, his sins were forgiven as mentioned in the hadith above. Second, he was rewarded with the value of living a full night of worship for one month of Ramadan. Third, have the opportunity to win Lailatul Qadar's night in the last ten days.

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