
JAKARTA - There is no doubt that fried food is one of the best-selling types of food that is used as a iftar menu. For example, bakwan, tempeh mendoan, spring rolls, pastel, and fried bananas. At least one type of fried food will be present to enliven your takjil meals.

Although the taste of fried food is much better, it also has the potential to reduce the nutritional value, if not properly processed. If you want to keep the quality of fried food healthier, without sacrificing fried foods, make sure to follow the following tips from Lifehack, Monday, March 27.

Zapment oil may be the best type of oil you can use to make fried foods. Olive oil itself has many health benefits, so it has advantages over other types of oil.

Olive oil is more stable at high temperatures compared to corn oil, solar flower oil, and soybean oil. This means that you can use it to fry food longer than other types of cooking oil but the quality and nutrition of the food is maintained. Choose olive oil with Virgin or Extra Virgin type. This label shows that the level of use of chemical extract is only small.

It is important to make sure cooking oil remains good and clean if you want it to be reused. If you use cooking oil many times then the oil will start shipping and it will make your food taste good. Using old oil to fry is the same as removing oil nutrients.

Some ways to keep fried delicious and stay nutritious are by throwing dirt in your oil as often as possible and, of course, replacing your oil twice.

Foods containing gluten usually come from processed wheat flour. For this reason, you can replace wheat flour with gluten-free flour that can be obtained, including almonds, red rice, corn, coconut, or cassava. Cassava is one of gluten-free flour (gluten free) which has characteristics similar to wheat flour and can be used as multipurpose flour. It tastes neutral and low in calories rather than coconut flour or almonds.

Another way to help improve the quality of fried foods is to use carbonated liquids, or cake soda in the dough. Baking soda helps release gas bubbles, which will help reduce the absorption of oil in your diet.

Mixing this method with gluten-free ingredients in your fried dough is one of the best ways to maintain healthier quality fried foods.

One thing that most people fail to do when trying to make a healthy fried dish is to ensure the oil temperature is right at its supposed temperature. The ideal temperature for cooking oil is between 162°C-2000$C.

If your cooking oil isn't hot enough then your food won't cook quickly so you have more time to absorb more oil. If you cook too hot, your cooking oil can burn and bloom, which makes your food taste bad.

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