
JAKARTA - Children aged one to two years are often difficult to eat, which ultimately makes their bodies lack nutrition so that their resistance to health problems is low.

Head of the Nutrition Coordination and Metabolic Work Unit of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Dr. Endang D. Lestari SpA(K), MPH, said that the reason why it is difficult for children to eat include the lack of parents to give stimulation to eat in children.

He mentioned several tactics that can be applied to solve problems for children who have difficulty eating.

"If children have difficulty eating, the important thing is that we give a regular meal schedule, don't let the child eat at will. Three times eat the main food and two snacks," said Dr.

Endang, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, March 24, said the distance between the main feeding and the distribution, according to him, should be no less than three hours.

"If the time is too close, the child may still be full, so he will refuse to eat," he said.

In addition, he said, parents must make sure their children do not spend more than 30 minutes eating.

"If it is more than 30 minutes, sugar is absorbed, it enters the body's circulation, blocking appetite. As a result, children refuse, because they still feel full," he said.

The important thing, he added, is to feed when the child is hungry and stop feeding when the child feels full.

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