
JAKARTA - Singer Tata Janeeta lives her domestic life with Raden Brotoseno. This marriage reaped mixed responses from the community. Just got married on October 9, but Tata has been declared pregnant.

Not a few netizens suspect that Tata Janeeta is pregnant out of wedlock. The singer of the teaser gave clarification on his Instagram Story. "I was married on 9 October ... on 20 October I went to a gynecologist for a fertility consultation and there I was accompanied by my best friend, opieyuffi, an ultrasound check on October 20, I was not pregnant yet ... November 18 I just went to the doctor. womb again and declared pregnant, "wrote Tata Janeeta.

Tata Janeeta also gave statements regarding rumors that she married someone's husband. Before marrying Tata, Raden Brotoseno was known to have married Angelina Sondakh and was divorced.

Through the latest video uploaded by Maia Estianty, Tata Janeeta said that she had 'excused myself' with Angelina Sondakh.

"When I was dating, I came to Bunda (Tata's nickname for Maia), I asked Bun like this like this. Because the one over there is Mother's friend. So friendship ethics. Kulo nuwun excuse me with Bunda."

When asked if he wanted a girl, Tata Janeeta replied, "Mas Broto wants a girl."

She also shared that her pregnancy with Broto was the one she felt the most in. Tata explained that she became nauseous much more often and had no appetite. But apart from that, Tata was relieved that she was able to confirm her marriage and pregnancy.

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