
Many people have complained about being affected by the corona pandemic. However, according to the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Film Companies (PPFI) Deddy Mizwar, this condition does not apply to creative filmmakers. Just so you know, he said, it's very difficult to find creative film people who are unemployed now. Being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic does not mean that the work of making films is quiet, on the contrary. About reduced production costs, that's the reality. That's called a price adjustment because the purchasing power is currently decreasing. To the VOI team, he shared stories about the activities of filmmakers who remained busy despite the pandemic.


Because of that, the actor whose name has soared through the film Naga Bonar does not agree when he is asked to ask for relief or assistance from the government. For him there is no urgency to ask for help and beg to other parties, including the government. The problem is that currently creative filmmakers and film workers are still getting jobs.

The volume of work and budget is indeed not as big as before the pandemic, according to H. Deddy Mizwar, S.Sn, SE, MIPol, this is a necessity. Because during this pandemic the budget for buying films and the work of film workers is indeed limited. "But the work is there and enough, although not as big as before the pandemic," he said.

So, said the actor Bang Jeck in the soap opera Para Seekers of God, film people still get jobs, even the queues for work are long, you know. “Just try to find a good director, DOP (Director of Photography), or filmmaker nowadays! It's hard to find them because they have a lot of work. So they can still work even though the pandemic hit. So even though they don't know when this pandemic will end, they can still work," continued the husband of Giselawati Wiranegara.

So don't try to get him to beg for help from the government, for example, on behalf of film workers. Because what happens to creative film workers, unlike certain sector workers who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, they still get jobs.

“I am the person who is the most stubborn when someone says and suggests that I ask the government. What kind of help do you want, if creative film people are currently flooded with work. This means that they can still work and find food," said Deddy Mizwar, who had served as deputy governor of West Java in a pair with Ahmad Heryawan.

Film workers, said the owner of the production house PT. For the sake of Gisela Citra Sinema this is a creative person. They, with their creative spirit and spirit, are relatively resilient to difficult situations and conditions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic that is still hitting them. They can still work while adapting to the situation. That's what happens to creative film workers today. If someone in a film asks for help or government stimulus, I think that's zolim,” he said to Edy Suherli from VOI who interviewed him virtually some time ago. Here is the full excerpt of the conversation.

Deddy Mizwar. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Deddy Mizwar. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Now the situation is tough, how are the conditions experienced by fellow film producers and other film workers?

During the PPKM level 4, most of the shooting activities were stopped. But for television programs still running in the studio. The shooting out door all stopped. There are not many cinema films to shoot, at least only one or two productions. But film production for OTT (over the top) for paid channels is a lot like Netflix, Disney Hotstar, VIU, Video.com and so on. So if it is said that many film people are unemployed, it is not true.

Creative and potential people are never unemployed. Except for people who don't have potential, there's also been a lot of unemployment in films for players who don't have potential. The productive and the creative all work. So there is no unemployment for them now. Everything works. So it's a bit wrong to say that many film people are unemployed. Directors such as Hanung Bramantyo Benny Setiawan and others all work.

For what volume of work? For those who serve the demand for OTT very high productivity. For wide-screen films, many films are ready to be shown, but they are waiting for the right timing. Waiting for cinemas to reopen. If cinemas are allowed to open, film production will flow again.

Production continues, so what are the complaints of fellow film workers during this pandemic?

Actually there are relatively no complaints because they can still work. Only in carrying out filming must comply with health protocols, at least that's a hassle. But I don't think that's a problem. Yes, you have to adapt to the conditions. It doesn't have to be a complaint. So there is no problem for creative film people. Now finding players, DOP, directors is difficult. Because they all have jobs. If someone in a film asks for government help, it's cruel in my opinion.

Deddy Mizwar. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Deddy Mizwar. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

What about movie players, are they the same?

Yes, all good and potential stars are hard to find. Everyone is working on film production for OTT. There are no potential movie people who are unemployed. Once again, if there are film people who ask for help from the government, it's called not having sensitivity to the people who are currently experiencing difficulties. We are among those who oppose when there are film people who ask for subsidies. How to subsidize people who have had enough. No wonder Indonesian films are not sensitive, even though ideally films are mirrors or reflections of the society where the films are made.

But if there is a stimulus, can it be for the film industry?

If you want a stimulus, it's a circulation problem. For example, how to stimulate film production, and that must be given to SOEs such as PFN (State Film Production Center). Not given to film producers. The funds are managed and revolving to produce quality films, the time will come when the cinema opens and is ready to show. Community films based on local content can also be helped because there is no risk of loss.

So the film producers complain about the circulation of films in theaters?

Yes, because the cinema is closed, what can you do? That's why the producers and film workers who originally produced films for wide screens turned to serving films to be shown on OTT at an adequate price. Instead of waiting for the cinema to open at some point, it's better to produce. Indeed, the budget is not too big, but enough. If the budget is too big, OTT can't afford to pay.

So there is an adjustment for the production budget?

Films made for OTT are usually series. For OTT, the production is still according to film rules, only for the sound to be reduced enough stereo, for cinemas it is usually dolby stereo and surround. And for horror films usually use atmosphere. For OTT the production is very active. So film people are helped by digital technology.

What about the current film censorship issue?

In my opinion, the Film Censorship Institute only focuses on censoring films for cinemas. For on television, let the television person manage. They have a Broadcasting Law and are supervised by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission. So the Film Law which mandates to censor all films that will be shown to the public must be amended and revised again. This is because the content of the Film Law is outdated.

What is your advice, regarding government stimulus to help cinemas?

There is a stimulus fund for the acceleration of the national economy, the value is Rp. 500 billion. What is this stimulus for? Do not be used as bancakan by people who are not clear. There must be a clear scheme, for example helping films that are broadcast during a pandemic with a buy one get one free scheme. Producers are helped, cinema entrepreneurs are helped and audiences are also helped. It can help people to come to the cinema with a safe and secure cinema record. This condition must be socialized by the government. Taxes for film producers are reimbursed by the government. Later when conditions are back to normal as before.

You only live in the world once, because it must mean something
Deddy Mizwar. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Deddy Mizwar. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Deddy Mizwar quotes a sentence from the famous poem by Chairil Anwar entitled Diponegoro about the need for meaning in life. "Once means it's dead. I'm like a real person, hehehe," he said with a typical joking style. Yes, like Bang Jeck's role in the soap opera The Seekers of God.

He said this so that life in this world would not be wasted. Now almost the whole world is hit by the Corona Pandemic. But that doesn't mean we can't do something meaningful.

The corona pandemic for veteran actor Deddy Mizwar is a time for self-evaluation. As a film producer who has made many popular soap operas, this pandemic is the right time to check the equipment you have. If necessary, it should be treated and improved.

The man who was born in Jakarta, March 5, 1955 to father H. Adrian Andres who is of Betawi-Dutch descent and his mother Sun'ah of Bugis-Betawi descent, continues to do a lot of activities despite the pandemic despite being careful and following health protocols.

“This pandemic condition must be faced. Employees are scheduled to enter the office as needed. The thing is, if they don't come, who will take care of the equipment for the purpose of producing films," he said.

From the side of the story, he even discussed a lot with his team even with technology or online meetings. “I actually carry out more discussions with the team to discuss film material. Although the film has not yet been produced, the story has been prepared," he said.

So, he said, he didn't stop creating and working despite the current pandemic. “Now is the time to prepare creative means. The time will come and the situation has loosened, we will immediately produce for the big screen. So stay creative, productive and bring about change," he said.

Deddy Mizwar. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Deddy Mizwar. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

How to maintain immunity during this pandemic? "I just followed the doctor's advice. Must take vitamins C, D and E. Then eat a healthy diet and also exercise enough for people my age, "he said.

When advised to be isoman because he is suspected of being reactive, he patiently goes through with it. "I don't want to think negatively. When it is suggested isoman, just isoman. Live everything happily," he said about himself who had a PCR test some time ago. "When tested for antigen was negative, but when the PCR test was said to be positive. Yes, we are isoman," he added, adding that he was in the OTG category.

In fact, continued Deddy Mizwar, he had been vaccinated twice. "It's been two vaccines, but still positive according to the PCR results. Meanwhile, according to the negative antigen test. Finally the doctor said to be isoman. Yes, just live it. And thank God it's over now," he said.

He criticized the number of patients in the hospital because of PCR. “Maybe the number of patients in the hospital right now is due to the positive PCR test results. Those who don't need to be treated are admitted to the hospital. As a result, those who are really sick and have to be treated can't get a bed," he said.

Deddy Mizwar. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

One more thing that he really cares about at his young age. Keeping in touch with fellow cast and film crews who are already senior. Deddy has a special Whatsapp group with them to maintain communication. "So in the senior WA group, we establish communication and friendship between colleagues," he said.

And, he continued, the content of the conversation in the group should not be related to politics. "We are not talking about politics that can increase tension and weaken immunity. What we're talking about is just being happy. And it can increase immunity too, you know, "he continued.

Apart from sharing information, Deddy Mizwar also often shares food. "Yes, if we have delicious food, what's the harm in sharing it with friends even if it's a little. It is also to increase friendship and intimacy. The simple ones, from the light ones," he said.

"So there is no problem for creative film people. Now finding players, DOP, directors is difficult. Because they all have jobs. If there are film people who ask for help or stimulus from the government, that's zolim in my opinion, "

Deddy Mizwar

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