
JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir has appointed Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) alias Ahok to serve as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) replacing Tanri Abeng. However, Ahok's position as a party member raises a potential conflict of interest. So, it is better for Ahok to resign from the PDI-P (PDIP).

This was conveyed by a political observer at the University of Al-Azhar Indonesia, Ujang Komarudin. Ahok's resignation from Megawati's party is important to maintain independence and prevent the perception that BUMN are the cash cows of politicians and political parties.

"To avoid negative stigma and avoid conflicts of interest, Ahok should have resigned. If he doesn't resign, it will set a bad precedent for this nation in the future," said Ujang when contacted by VOI via text message, Monday, November 25.

Ujang added that the government's move to determine Ahok as the President Commissioner of BUMN with the seahorse symbol was based on the fact that the former Governor of DKI Jakarta was not a professional in the oil sector. "Ahok is a politician. That's why Ahok was only given the (position) commissioner," said Ujang.

Regarding Ahok's position in the PDIP, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir has actually asked Ahok to resign from the party. "All commissioners in BUMN, especially directors, must resign from the party," Erick told reporters on Friday, November 22 yesterday.

The reason is clear, for Erick, as a high-ranking BUMN official, every person appointed must be able to act independently, including being free from party influence. "We have already told all the names we spoke to, because the independence of BUMN is very important," he said.

However, Erick's request for Ahok to take off his PDIP shirt looks like it will be difficult to do. This is because the party bearing the bull symbol seems unwilling to let Ahok go. Moreover, according to PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Ahok does not have to resign from his membership if he is appointed as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina.

According to him, the BUMN Law does require a person to resign from a political party if that person is indeed included in the leadership position of a party. As for Ahok, it is known that he does not have any position in the PDIP. The case that according to Hasto should not be worried.

"Thus, we do not have to resign based on the provisions of the law ... That's why we maintain a lot of power for the nation and state. Not for the benefit of individuals. Likewise in the management of BUMN itself," said Hasto.

Ahok's job at Pertamina

Regarding Ahok's election as President Commissioner, Energy Watch Executive Director Mamit Setiawan said that the former governor of DKI Jakarta would in fact have no more authority with his position. Another story, if Ahok was appointed as the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero).

"The President Commissioner is more concerned with supervising the performance of the directors in carrying out the programs requested by the government," said Mamit when contacted, Monday, November 25.

Although it is considered that they will not have more authority, Mamit assesses that the government will make regulations that can accommodate Ahok's capacity and capacity. Moreover, he will have a tough task to change the situation for the state oil company going forward.

"We know that Pertamina has a duty as a PSO, a public service obligation . But, on the other hand, it must also seek profit as regulated in the BUMN Law. So, Ahok must be able to implement these two things," explained Mamit.

Not only this task, Ahok will also have other tasks, such as ensuring that Pertamina's Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) and Grass Root Refinery (GRR) can run optimally and ensure that the trade balance deficit can be reduced in the oil and gas sector.

In addition, when carrying out his duties, Ahok was also asked to continue oil exploration activities and continue to run the one-price fuel program such as President Jokowi's Nawacita program.

"Supervision of the performance of the Board of Directors is absolute. Transparency, efficiency, cutting bureaucracy and the spirit of GCG must be enforced," he said.

With continued supervision of the performance of the board of directors, Mamit assessed that the oil and gas mafia and rent-seeking mafia could decrease. Moreover, so far Ahok has been considered a clean figure.

Finally, to increase the pace of its performance, in the future, it is hoped that Mamit will be able to embrace all parties, including the Pertamina Workers Union, which previously rejected it. So, there won't be any noise later.

"Because after all, labor unions are the backbone of Pertamina as well. Do not let it continue to cause a commotion within Pertamina as well which will result in Pertamina's performance being unproductive," he concluded.

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