
JAKARTA - An oil palm entrepreneur in Riau is suddenly famous. Robert Herry Son (22) is considered to have abused the Red and White Flag. He has now been designated as a case of harassment against the symbol of the state.

This case began when an employee witness at the oil palm factory saw a dog wrapped in the Red and White Flag around his neck. He came and found out who put the flag on. It was finally discovered that it was Robert Herry who claimed to have put the Red and White flag on the dog's neck on Wednesday (9/8/2023) in front of the factory office located in Muara Basung Village, Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency.

As a result, Robert Herry was reported to the police and he later turned himself in. The man who served as Deputy Head of Administration for the Palm Oil Factory (PKS) PT Sawit Agung Sejahtera (SAS) was named a suspect after a series of investigations and case titles.

"The suspect violated Article 66 of the State Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning the Flag, Language, and State Emblem as well as the National Anthem," said Bengkalis Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Firman Fadhilah in Bengkalis Regency, Riau, quoted by Antara.

What Robert Herry did to the Red and White Flag for some people might not be considered good. That's because in Indonesia dogs are closer to negative things. Given how hard the struggle of the heroes to be able to fly the Red and White flag even after Indonesia proclaimed independence on August 17, 1945, respecting the country's flag is an obligation.

Robert Herry admitted that he did not intend to insult and harass the Red and White Flag. He argued to do this just to raise the spirit ahead of the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day.

"I apologize and realize that this act is inappropriate and willing to accept the consequences for this incident. I do not intend to harass the symbol of the state by putting the flag on the dog's neck," admitted Robert, quoted by Antara.

Responding to the alleged harassment of the Red and White Flag that occurred in Riau, criminal law expert Masykur Isnan, considered it too early to make Robert Herry a suspect. According to him, including the alleged flag harassment into criminal acts is less effective.

"Casuatically, this is too early. It needs to be seen whether this is an act of harassing the state or not, for example because it is careless. Of course, this kind of action is not justified, but the use of criminal offenses is not appropriate. universally, the symbols of the state should be dealt with. But what happened was not equal, many cases like this did not get the same treatment, so it seemed unfair," said Masykur Isnan to VOI.

"For whatever reason, of course, it is not allowed to do this. However, before going to the legal realm there was an approach, for example to clarify, feel guilty, and apologize. Unless the goal is clear, for example stepping on the flag, cursing, deliberately teasing, "said the owner of the law firm Masykur Isnan & Partners.

The same thing was also revealed by the famous lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea. He also questioned the criminal element in the alleged harassment of the Red and White Flag that occurred in Riau.

"Look at the decades of celebrating independence, where the buffalo or horse racing competition, the flags are tied on a horse or buffalo train, it is not wrapped in a buffalo or horse body, but where is the difference? The Indonesian flag is wrapped around the horse train wood, the buffalo train, where is the punishment?" said Hotman Paris.

This is not the case of alleged harassment of the Red and White Flag. In Indonesia, an insult to the Red and White Flag has occurred very often. In July 2021, a video depicting the burning of the Red and White Flag went viral on TikTok. The culprit is suspected to be an Indonesian citizen who lives in Malaysia.

Back and forth in January of the same year, a woman from Sukakerta Village, Rawamerta District, Karawang Regency, West Java openly insulted Pancasila and it was uploaded to the video by herself. Previously, the woman had also stepped on a red and white flag made of plastic. However, based on witness examination, she has been mentally disturbed since 2016. Not to mention a woman named Rohmeini Purba who smeared the Red and White Flag with a WC brush.

The accusation of mocking the country's flag was also addressed to the President of the United States Joe Biden and his government. Joe Biden was blasphemed for violating the United States Flag Code after raising the flag of Pride or the LGBTQ flag at the White House, Washington DC. Joe Biden celebrated the Pride Month or the Pride Month of the LGBTQ Community by flying the flag between the two US flags.

It is considered a violation of the US Flag Code 7.(e) which reads: "The United States flag must be in the middle and at the group's highest point when a number of State or Regional flags or public banners are grouped and displayed from staff."

According to US senator Dr. Roger Marshal, what happened at the White House is a disgrace.

"This is embarrassing. Not only violates the US Flag Code, but it is a striking example of the White House's inability and pressure to put their social agenda above patriotism," Roger explained.

The Red and White Flag has been in use since the time of the Majapahit kingdom. However, the Red and White, who were familiar with Indonesian society, was then used in the nationalist movement during the resistance against the Dutch around 1928.

The use of the Red and White Flag was banned by the Dutch at that time. But after being released from the Netherlands, the idea of using the Red and White flag was born again in the Japanese colonial era. At that time, Japan gave Indonesia a promise of independence in 1944 and was filled with the establishment of an Investigating Body for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI).

In the BPUPKI meeting, one of the things discussed was the use of the same flag and national anthem throughout the country. This is where it was decided that Indonesia used the Red and White Flag.

The person who sewed the Red and White Flag was Fatmawati, which was then flown at the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945. In 1958, the Red and White were designated as heirloom flags and were always flown every August 17 or the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day at the Merdeka Palace.

However, because his condition was very fragile and his color faded, the heirloom flag was last flown on August 17, 1968. The heirloom flag was stored in a vinyl made of plexiglass in the Heritage Flag Room at the Merdeka Palace.

Currently, a number of regions have begun to enliven Indonesia's independence on August 17. As the government of Bogor City, West Java and thousands of residents carried out the Red and White carnival from the local city hall to Jalan Siliwangi, Sukasari, in the series of the Red and White Festivals welcoming the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia last weekend.

Thousands of participants of the Red and White carnival and 500 100-meter-long flag bearers were released by West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil at Bogor City Hall accompanied by Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto.

The Red and White Flag is a symbol of the country that is so echoed in the country. Celebrating the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia, which is the 78th this week, it is time for us to fly the Red and White flag together.

This is in accordance with Law Number 24 of 2009 article 7 (3) that the State Flag must be flown on every commemoration of the Independence Day of the Indonesian Nation on August 17 by citizens who control the right to use houses, buildings or offices, educational units, public transportation, and private transportation throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and at the representative office of the Republic of Indonesia abroad.

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