
JAKARTA The need for the procurement of Electric Rail Trains (KRL) is increasingly urgent. A total of 10 trainsets have entered their outdated age this year and 19 other trainsets by 2024.

PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) has indeed signed a purchase contract for 16 Electric Rail Trainsets from PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) on March 9, 2023. However, the train has only been completed for about 2-3 years.

If you have to wait for the train to be completed, according to public policy observers and Agus Pambagio's environment, it means that there are around 200 thousand people per day who are threatened with not being disturbed. Although it is also stated that the conditions on the train will be increasingly crowded and crowded, especially during busy times.

In 2022 alone, KCI data states that Jabodetabek Commuterline users reach more than 600 thousand people per day and the train density rate is still above 100 percent, especially in Bogor which reaches 141 percent. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, when users reached an lift of around 900 thousand people per day, the traffic density could reach 239 percent.

So that if it is not resolved immediately, the thing that becomes a victim is the comfort of passengers. Even safety, if the early KRL fleet is forced to continue operating. Like what happened some time ago, the KRL, which should have retired from being drunk at Bojonggede Station, Bogor.

Not to mention the problem of train arrivals. If more than 5 minutes during rush hour morning and evening, it will certainly be very disturbing. If the condition of the Jabodetabek KRL worsens, private vehicles will spread more and disrupt the Jabodetabek economy.

"So, time is rolling. This is very urgent. We are no longer in the stage of continuous discussions," Agus said in a virtual Public Discussion on the Improvement of Commuter Train Services for INSTRAN Economic Movement on April 13, 2023.

Previously, KCI and KAI had actually discussed several times about the development steps and needs of the Jabodetabek KRL, including discussions on funding guarantees and PT INKA's readiness to make the KRL.

KCI with the approval of KAI and the Ministry of Transportation finally decided to buy a used KRL from Japan. However, the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Industry refused on the grounds that the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) and had to buy from domestic industries.

"This is where the polemic begins," said Agus.

Then, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries asked the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to review directly to Japan. Then a Review Report emerged dated March 27, 2023, which in general contained a refusal to import trains.

"So it's not chaotic. This is magical and BPKP should be suspected of not understanding the urgency of the needs of PT KCI. Now, it's better to decide immediately. Want to buy used, buy new from INKA, or want from Asemreges (rejuvenation) go ahead. The important thing is that the train is there," Agus emphasized.

When confirmed by VOI on April 14, 2023, he also questioned how could BPKP be able to review the technical network without including or discussing with experts, so that they could make conclusions regarding the issue of utilization, technicality and operation of the Jabodetabek KRL?

"For example, the odd review is related to the cost of conservation, repair or upgrade. Does BPKP understand that there will be a very large disturbance in supply when 220 trainsets are reduced due to consistency, repair and upgrade or retrofitting?" said Agus.

BPKP, continued Agus, really understands project management and accounting issues, but it doesn't feel like it's for technical arrangements such as Jabodetabek KRL travel management.

Moreover, why did BPKP not discuss the results of the review with PT KCI as the operator before being submitted to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, exactly if BPKP audited the project? Before the official report was published, BPKP always discussed with users the accuracy of the contents of the report.

"So, I beg the Coordinating Minister to be careful in making decisions, but it must be fast because it is very urgent," Agus added.

The Chairperson of the Daily Management of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI), Tulus Abadi, also believes that it is not much different. He invited his decision to import, buy new ones, or rejuvenate KRL, which is important that people can use KRL comfortably and safely.

Because the role of KRL in supporting urban infrastructure and the economy is very vital.

"So, when the KRL is dedicated to economic needs, of course, its reliability must be increased, infrastructure, human resources to encourage KRL as an economic driving entity," Tulus said in the public discussion.

Everyone must have the same perception to make it happen. The development of the KRL mode of transportation, said PT KCI President Director Suryawan on the same occasion, is not only the operator's task. The government, users, and all stakeholders must build this together into something positive.

Look at Japan, commuter users can reach 40 million people per day. In terms of infrastructure ranging from station capacity, platform capacity, parking lot, to fleet number, Japan is very ready. The impact is very positive for the economy. People's movement becomes effective and efficient.

"I once had the opportunity to see the condition firsthand. In a sense, infrastructure development is very important to make this mode of transportation more advanced," said Suryawan.

If there are more passengers, the platform is not expanded, the number of trains is not added, of course it is a problem. Not to mention the long range of train arrivals and parking space problems.

"We need a lot of support. It is impossible for KCI to all resolve it," continued Suryawan.

Regarding the procurement of trains, Suryawan emphasized that he would support any government decisions.

"The point is, at this time we need facilities. Want to retrofit, buy used, or buy new ones, please," said Suryawan.

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