Fransisca Reveals Deposits Of Hundreds Of Million And Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars From Joko Tjandra To Anita
DOK. ANTARA / Joko Tjandra


JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented Nurmawan Fransisca, Djoko Tjandra's subordinate as a witness in the case of alleged gratification for the removal of red notice for the accused, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte.

During the trial, Fransisca said that Joko Tjandra had given money four times to Anita Kolopaking. The money was given through an employee named Nurdin.

"First (giving money) of USD 50 thousand, USD 33 thousand, then there is rupiah (Rp) 378 million, lastly Rp. 117,800 million," said Fransisca during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 30.

In the trial, Fransisca emphasized that he was only asked by Joko Tjandra to prepare money.

"Just as usual, I give it to Nurdin," he said.

Even though she doesn't remember the exact date, Fransisca said that if the money was given in May-June 2020. Fransisca made a receipt every time Joko Tjandra asked her to spend money.

However, Fransisca emphasized that he did not know the purpose of the money. He admitted that this was only discovered after the series of cases that ensnared Joko Tjandra became news

"No, I also don't know who he is. But I only found out when this case was open that he was your lawyer," he said.

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