Six National Hero Figures: Kahar Mudzakkir-Ruhana Kuddus
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) awarded the title of national hero to six figures, namely Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir, Alexander Andries (AA) Maramis, KH Masjkur, M Sardjito, Ruhana Kuddus, and Sultan Himayatuddin Muhammad Saidi.
The awarding of the title of national hero is stated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 120 / TK / 2019 concerning the Awarding of the National Hero Title dated November 7, 2019 and given directly to the heirs at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday, November 8.
Six figures who during his lifetime struggled in various fields, won the title of national hero in 2019. They are Ruhana Kuddus, Sultan Himayatuddin Muhammad Saidi, Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, Prof. KH Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir, Dr. (HC) AA Maramis and KH Masjkur.
- Joko Widodo (@jokowi) November 8, 2019
The six figures who received the National Hero title this year come from various professions and backgrounds. Two of them are members of the BPUPKI / PPKI, a sultan from Southeast Sukawesi, a doctor who has contributed to the world of education, and a woman who has contributed to journalism and education.
The following are the figures who received the 2019 National Hero title:
Abdul Kahar Muzakkir
Abdoel Kahar Moezakkir (or the new spelling Abdul Kahar Muzakkir) is a founding figure of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta. This figure from Kotagede was also the rector of the campus for the period 1948-1960.
Apart from establishing UII, Kahar Muzakkir is indeed remembered as a Muslim scholar and national fighter. He also briefly served as a member of the Investigative Committee for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI).
Dr. Sardjito
Doctor Sardjito. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Dr. Sardjito is the first doctor and rector of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) for the period 1950-1961. Furthermore, he also served as rector of UII for the period 1963 - 1970.
During his life, Dr. Sardjito, born in Magetan, created a number of vaccines, for example for typhoid, cholera, to dysentery. During his struggle, he also contributed by making food and multivitamins for Indonesian soldiers, namely Sardjito Biscuits.
For his dedication in the fields of education and health in the era of the struggle for independence, Dr. Sardjito's name is also immortalized as the name of a hospital in Yogyakarta, namely the Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital.
AA Maramis
Mr. Alexander Andries Maramis (1897-1977) finally became the National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019.
- Bode Gray Talumewo (@bode_talumewo) November 8, 2019
Alexander Andries Maramis or better known as AA Maramis is a character from Manado, North Sulawesi. He was a member of BPUPKI and the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) in the era of Indonesian independence.
AA Maramis has also served as Minister of Finance and his signature is in Oeang Republik Indonesia (ORI) - the Indonesian currency before the rupiah. AA Maramis is also the nephew of Maria Walanda Maramis, a female warrior figure from North Sulawesi, who previously also received the title of National Hero.
Roehana Koeddoes
Roehana Koeddoes (or Ruhana Kuddus as it is now spelled) finally got the title of National Hero. This first female journalist in Indonesia failed to become a national hero even though she had fulfilled all the requirements in the process of proposing from the regions.
Roehana, born in Koto Gadang, West Sumatra, has a strong commitment to education and literacy. Roehana lived at the same time as RA Kartini, where women's access to a good education was very limited. She is the founder of the first women's newspaper in Indonesia.
Roehana had been the head of several newspapers during his time. He has written for the Poetri Hindia newspaper, Oetoesan Melajoe, until he founded his own newspaper, Soenting Melajoe. Apart from being in the press world, Roehana is also an active activist in West Sumatra, especially for women.
Sultan Himayatuddin
Sultan Himayatuddin Muhammad Saidi or known as Oputa Yi Koo is a local son who led the resistance against aggression, invasion and Dutch imperialism in the Buton sultanate in the 18th century. Himayatuddin was elected as the sultan twice, namely as the XX (1750-1752) and XXIII Sultan of Buton (1760-1760). He died in 1776 AD.
He got the title of hero because of his persistence against the Dutch colonialists in the country. In fact, he even had to step down the throne due to his resistance first.
KH Masjkur
Alhamdulillah, God willing, KH Masjkur will be confirmed as a National Hero, on November 10, 2019. # KyaikuPahlawanku | consider his figure below. 👇🏻credit: @nahdlatululama
- PWNU East Java | # HariSantri2019 (@pwnujatim) November 7, 2019
KH Masjkur is a figure and scholar from Nahdlatul Ulama. He has served as Minister of Religion in three prime minister eras, namely Amir Syarifuddin, Mohammad Hatta, Soesanto Tirtopordjo or around the 1947-1949 period. Then he became Minister of Religion again in the era of Prime Minister Ali Sastroamidjojo around the period 1953-1955.
During the independence struggle era, KH Masjkur was also a member of BPUPKI. He was also noted as the founder of the Homeland Defenders (PETA), which later changed the name Laskar Rakyat and eventually became the TNI. At the battle of 10 November 1945 in Surabaya, he led the Sabilillah line.
As is well known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) named six national heroes in 2018 through Presidential Decree No. 123 / TK of 2018 concerning the Awarding of the National Hero Title.
The six people were the late Abdurrahman Baswedan, a figure from the DI Yogyakarta province; the late Agung Hajjah Andi Depu, a figure from West Sulawesi Province; and the late Depati Amir, a figure from Bangka Belitung Province.
Then, the late Mr. Kasman Singodimedjo, figure from Central Java Province; the late Ir. H. Pangeran Mohammad Noor, a figure from South Kalimantan Province; and the late Brigadier General KH Syam'un, a figure from Banten Province.