There Is No Eid Prayer In Congregation At The Istiqlal Mosque During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - Istiqlal Mosque emphasized that there will be no Eid prayer activities on Sunday, May 24 or 1 Syawal 1441 Hijriah. Likewise, takbir akbar which is usually held regularly every year will be replaced with takbir virtually.

"Eid prayers are not available. Takbir Akbar exists but is virtual," said the Head of Public Relations Protocol at the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, when contacted by reporters, Saturday, May 23.

For Muslims who want to take part in this grand takbir, you can watch it on the YouTube account of the Istiqlal Mosque and through the TVRI broadcast which will be held after the Isha prayer. "The grand takbir is held after the Isha prayer, and broadcast live," he said.

This grand takbir, will be carried out by five people who will become priests and muezzin. As for the implementation of this grand takbir, Abu Hurairah said, it was in accordance with health protocols in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Congregation performing prayers at the Istiqlal Mosque (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

A number of officials will also later celebrate the takbir akbar from the Istiqlal Mosque. Including Vice President Ma'ruf Amin who will attend via video recording.

Meanwhile, the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Kiai Haji Nasaruddin Umar, will give a speech directly from inside the mosque. "Yes, there are remarks starting from the high priest, Minister of Religion, President, Vice President, and several Governors," said Abu Hurairah.

It is known, the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Nasaruddin Umar, asked people not to force themselves to carry out Eid prayers at mosques like Eid in the previous year, because of the COVID-19 epidemic. Primarily, for the people of Jakarta who usually carry out Eid prayers at the Istiqlal Mosque.

According to him, loving the mosque is the most proud part of Muslims. However, in a pandemic like today, people are asked to imitate the story of the Prophet Muhammad who asked his friends not to come to the mosque when it was raining heavily.

"Rasulullah SAW at one time while in Medina asked his friend not to go to the mosque because of heavy rain. It was raining water. But outside us it is raining corona,"

Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta, Nasaruddin Umar

"It's raining water, Rasulallah asked not to go to the mosque but to pray at home, especially since this is a very deadly corona virus," he added.

Previously, President Joko Widodo had also emphasized that he would not prohibit the public from praying in implementing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He ordered his subordinates to disseminate information to the public regarding the rules of worship as long as the spread of this virus occurred clearly. Including worship at home.

"I really ask that it be explained and given an understanding that the government does not prohibit worship," said Jokowi when opening a limited meeting regarding the preparation for Eid Al-Fitr which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, May 19.

According to him, the government has never prohibited its citizens from praying. This is because, through the Ministry of Religion, the government always encourages all religious communities in Indonesia to continue to increase the quantity and quality of its citizens' worship.

Jokowi emphasized that so far the government has only appealed to the public to continue worshiping at home. This appeal, said the former governor of DKI Jakarta, had also been frequently conveyed since the corona virus spread in Indonesia.

"What we urge, we regulate is privacy which is carried out according to health protocols," he said.