Seeing KAI's Readiness To Face The New Normal Scenario

JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) (Persero) admits that it is preparing steps to anticipate the new normal scenario as a follow-up to the direction of the Minister of BUMN via letter number S-336 / MBU / 05/2020 on May 15, 2020 regarding Anticipation of The New Scenario. Normal BUMN.

"We are currently preparing a protocol to anticipate the scenario of implementing The New Normal in KAI," said KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo, in a written statement, Monday, May 18.

Didiek explained, the protocol will regulate the steps and stages that will be implemented by KAI in welcoming The New Normal which will start on May 25, 2020.

In addition to the protocol for customer service, the protocol will also regulate workers under 45 years of age to enter the office as usual but still pay attention to the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) rules in each work area.

"Although some employees who are over 45 years old are still WFH, including the sharing of WFO in turns and physical distancing discipline, we are still committed to maintaining the productivity of all KAI employees," he said.

Didiek said that currently his party is focusing on Extraordinary Train (KLB) services on Java Island, local trains, KRL, and freight transport trains. This is part of KAI's responsibility to participate in handling the prevention of COVID-19.

In its operation, KAI continues to carry out the COVID-19 prevention protocol which is supervised by the KAI COVID-19 Task Force which has been established since March 2020.

Especially for Passenger Train services, KAI will keep abreast of developments in accordance with the regulations issued by the Ministry of Transportation as the railway regulator.

To continue to be able to get the latest train service information, the public can contact the KAI Contact Center by telephone at 021-121, email at, and KAI 121 social media.

"In a pandemic like this, KAI is committed that BUMN as one of the drivers of the nation's economy must continue to run the COVID-19 prevention protocol," concluded Didiek.

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir instructed state-owned company employees to come to work as usual and carry out the stages of The New Normal as of May 25, 2020. This was stated in the Letter of the Minister of BUMN Number S-336 / MBU / 05 / 2020 addressed to the President Director of BUMN.

As of May 25, 2020, all BUMN companies must follow and carry out the New Normal stage. All BUMN employees must enter and follow protection protocols such as social distancing and wearing masks and maintaining cleanliness.

"It takes the contribution of all elements of the nation including BUMN to support the government's strategic steps in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic," said Erick.

Employees who are less than 45 years old are required to enter. Meanwhile, employees who are more than 45 years old apply a work from home policy. Companies are also asked to always monitor employees' conditions and handle affected employees.

As for the industrial and service sector, based on the letter, it will also reopen as of May 25, 2020. However, the sector's operations are still limited, such as opening limited branches by setting entry hours, capacity limits for opening factories, processing, generators, and hotels with shifting and restrictions on the number of employees who enter.

Meanwhile, malls are not allowed to open yet and people are still prohibited from gathering. Meanwhile, the health sector is fully operational in accordance with the capacity and health system.

He also asked the President Director of BUMN to do four things to anticipate the scenario of The New Normal. First, every BUMN must form a task force for handling COVID-19 with the current focus on anticipating the scenario of The New Normal.

Second, every BUMN is obliged to prepare a protocol for handling COVID-19. The protocol is not limited to human aspects (human capital and culture), process and technology, as well as customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders (business continuity).

Third, each task force then compiles a timeline for the implementation of The New Normal scenario. The timeline is prepared based on the policies of the Ministry of BUMN, the command of the relevant Ministries / Institutions (K / L), especially the National Disaster Management Agency and the Ministry of Health (BNPB), as well as each cluster or sector and region.

Fourth, each BUMN campaign for optimism in facing The New Normal, through the use of the hashtag #CovidSafe BUMN at any relevant momentum or media. With a note, they are still maintaining discipline in implementing the COVID-19 handling protocol.

Furthermore, Erick said, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of The New Normal scenario in each BUMN is the responsibility of the President Director. "That should be reported regularly to the Deputy Minister of BUMN," he said.