TNI And Polri Joint Patrols In Mulia Area, Puncak Jaya
JAYAPURA - Puncak Jaya Police Chief AKBP Kuswara said the joint TNI and Polri personnel who served in Puncak Jaya Regency, Central Papua, were actively carrying out patrols to provide a sense of security in the community, especially around Mulia.
The joint activity in addition to making the synergy between the TNI and Polri more solid and also provides a sense of security in society.
"The joint patrol was carried out in order to create a safe and conducive security and public order situation," said Puncak Jaya Police Chief AKBP Kuswara in Mulia, Saturday.
Admittedly, at this time Mulia's situation at the beginning of 2025 was relatively safe, so it must be maintained and while carrying out patrols, the personnel also greeted the residents and the opportunity was also used to invite residents to participate in maintaining security.
With a safe and conducive situation, people can carry out their activities without being filled with fear.
"The public is also expected to come together to maintain security in their territory, and it is not easy to believe in news or issues that cannot be justified or hoaxes," said AKBP Kuswara.
The Head of the Puncak Jaya Police admitted that dialogist patrols will often be carried out so that people feel the presence of TNI and Polri personnel and do not hesitate to report or inform if there are KKB members around them.
"Don't hesitate to inform if you know of any KKB members in the vicinity because it can lead to unwanted things," said AKBP Kuswara.