PLN Supports Policy Of Freeing Electricity Costs

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) fully supports the government's policy to eliminate electricity costs for 24 million customers with 450 Volt Ampere (VA) power and a 50 percent discount for 7 million customers with subsidized 900 VA power.

This electricity cost relief will be valid for three months, namely; April, May, and June 2020. “The bill exemption policy for 450VA customers and 50 percent reduction in electricity rates has been discussed and coordinated with PLN. We are very supportive and ready to implement the Government policies conveyed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, ”said the President Director of PLN, Zulkifli Zaini in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 31.

With this policy, it is hoped that it can ease the burden on people affected by the global corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) which has resulted in a sluggish economy.

“Currently, people are encouraged to stay at home. Activities at home. The goal is to prevent wider transmission. It is hoped that the exemption and discount on electricity rates can support this. So people, especially those who cannot afford it, don't have to worry about using electricity during this difficult season, ”said Zulkifli.

Previously, President Jokowi in a press conference at the Presidential Palace, Bogor, Tuesday, March 31, decided to eliminate electricity rates for 450 VA (Volt Ampere) customers during April, May and June 2020 as a stimulus to help the community's economic recovery, amid the corona virus pandemic. .

"Meanwhile, for 900 VA customers, the number of which is around seven million customers, will be discounted 50 percent, meaning that they pay half for April, May and June," said President Jokowi.

This exemption from electricity costs is one of six government assistance policies for people with economic capacity in the lower segments, following pressure due to the corona virus pandemic.

In addition to electricity tariffs, the government has also issued a government regulation (PP) on large-scale social restrictions related to the corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia. In fact, the government has issued a Presidential Decree to implement the regulation.

Therefore, President Jokowi asked regional heads not to make their own policies in dealing with COVID-19. He asked that all regional policies refer to the PP.

"The government has also issued a Government Regulation (PP) on Large-Scale Social Restrictions and a Presidential Decree on Public Health Emergencies to carry out the mandate of the Law," said Jokowi.

"With the issuance of this PP everything is clear. I ask regional heads not to make their own policies that are not coordinated. All policies in the regions must comply with regulations, within the corridors of the Law, PP and Presidential Decree," he continued.

Jokowi also asked the National Police to take part in making the policy run smoothly. He asked the Police to take law enforcement steps so that this policy would run effectively.

"The National Police can also take measurable law enforcement steps and in accordance with the law so that the PSBB is effective and achieves the goal of preventing the spread of the plague," said Jokowi.

For your information, as of Tuesday, March 31, 2020, the number of positive people infected with the corona virus touched 1,528 people and has spread to 32 provinces. A total of 1,311 people are still being treated in a number of hospitals.