Exclusive Fajar Nugros Develops Thanks To Collaboration And Consistency In Films

JAKARTA - Director and producer of IDN Pictures production house, Fajar Nugros, trusts the new director, Jeihan Angga to collaborate in working on their latest film entitled Art of Understanding Lovers which is a romantic comedy film.

In an exclusive interview with VOI, Fajar said that the purpose of this collaboration is to provide opportunities for young directors to work and as a turnover of the Indonesian film industry.

"So actually I went through a long process to become a director in Indonesia, and I feel that the most expensive is actually an opportunity to make a film. The opportunity is very expensive in Indonesia, both as a director and in general, anything. Access is very important," said Fajar Nugros at the VOI office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

"And because I've experienced a lot to be an IDN, that's how it is. And that's why I intend to at IDN to provide goodwill, opportunities for talented young director friends, who we see are talented, and try to collaborate with them," he continued.

"Because if not, our film industry will not develop in my opinion. So the vision, new style of directors, that's how I learned from the recent one, it's important for me and Santi at IDN Pictures, that's it," he said.

Even so, Fajar still provides conditions and is also separate to collaborate with him. Such as having high integrity and being able to commit to his work.

"Yes, of course, the standard exists. But the point is that the standard is yes, first you have high integrity, people if the skills are good like anything, if the integrity doesn't exist, it's difficult. Continue to commit, because being a filmmaker, yes, he committed anything, in fact any profession will need commitment," said Fajar Nugros.

Not only that, it has a responsibility and has a high spirit of collaboration as well as being calculated by Fajar Nugros in choosing young directors to develop together.

"Then the third is the responsibility. So because making the film a long run, a long marathon, it can be 4 months, it can be 6 months, to get to good products. So responsibility is needed. It doesn't mean you can't cooperate with others, but you're good at managing time," he explained.

"The more professional they are, the more they are required to be responsible for what we do, for their work, that's it. And the next one certainly has a good spirit of collaboration, that's it. Because films need collaboration, many talents in them, and can become good leaders, that's what's important if we want to make a good product," said Fajar Nugros.

And the most important thing for the director of this Sleep Call film is to have the same vision as the producer so that the message that he wants to convey in the film can be felt by the audience.

"Finally, yes, the vision is suitable for producers. So we want to make comedy films, the results will make us happy, laugh. Make horror, yes, we can deliver those feelings, feelings of fear, and so on. So there are many things that become points why we collaborate, but the point is that," he added.

Furthermore, Fajar feels lucky to be collaborating with a new director who finally helps him develop and adapt to changes in the film industry.

"Yes, sure. That's why we at IDN want to collaborate with whom, there must be a part of me also want to learn from him, what it's like, that's it. I can collaborate with Mas Hanung one day, one day I want to collaborate with Bang Joko Anwar, that's it. Because I want to know, oh, it feels like working with them like it is, yes. And it adds to my experience, having, oh a way of thinking, that's it," said Fajar Nugros.

Fajar Nugros has worked for 20 years in the film industry starting from his love for the art of telling stories. From childhood to being in college writing and conveying information became a fun activity for him.

"I still feel that I can survive in this film world because I love the art of telling stories. I love, from childhood, from elementary school I have enjoyed making it up, yes. Continue to like writing, that's it. Elementary, junior high school I make trading. There is no match in school, I just made a match. Then in college, I joined a college magazine. The magazine is published once every 6 months," said Fajar Nugros.

"Then, have the opportunity to make a short film, until now it's a film, and indeed the film I love the most, that's it. So, if you ask what my passion is, my passion may be telling stories and the film media is the medium that I like the most to entertain people, that's it," he added.

Until finally he was met with the film industry which he finally chose as the media to entertain others. Therefore, he never gets bored with this job and is the reason he can continue to exist.

"So, maybe it's part of my life and maybe I'll never get bored, because there will always be stories. People will always be nervous, people will always worry, people will always need to tell their voices, people will always want to be entertained, that's it. So, I always, I sometimes don't care what medium, yes I find ideas, I just find ideas, that's it," explained Fajar Nugros.

But Fajar's career in the world of film is certainly not always easy, he admitted that during his 16 years of career as a director, his story idea was always rejected.

But this 47-year-old man refused to complain about it and instead made it an impetus to continue working.

"I've been in the film for 20 years, IDN pictures are only 4 years old, it means that there are 16 years, yes, 16 years my story has been rejected. Yes, 16 years of work, yes, I'm patient that I serve the story by, serving the story that was presented to me as well as possible, I never complain, how come the story is like this, okay, even if it's like this, I'll fix it, I never complain about budgets, how come the budget is small, oh yes, no," he added.

"So, I never complain about the things that have been given to me as a good opportunity, that's it. As best we take advantage of the opportunity, the results will definitely be even bigger. I don't think it has been complained about before, in my opinion, what is my term, I'm not grateful, that's it," he explained.

Furthermore, for him, the reason until now still exists in the world of cinema is because he has never felt there is a competition with other film directors. Although it is undeniable that he has been jealous of story ideas that arise from other people.

"If I never see it as a competition, but I mean I always feel that if there is a good film released, yes I support it, I promo, I help post it, I help comment on social media, that's it. Because if the film is good, the audience believes in Indonesian films, yes, they will also believe in my next film, that's it. So, my film just has to be good from the film that is selling it, that's it.

"So, I don't have any, I feel that competition. I have a hard time being jealous, except in terms of ideas, I see. If for example there is a good film, how come the idea can be very interesting, huh? I'm jealous. If the director comes on Mercy, I'm not just jealous. ordinary. Because I ride Mercy 6-wheeled every day, "he continued.

"But that means, if there is a good idea, I always think, ih, what do people eat? It means that there is something he eats that is different from me. It means that he can read books, the spectacle, in the course of his life what he experienced and I didn't experience it, that's how he can think like that? Well, those methods make me more jealous, that's it," said Fajar Nugros closing the interview with VOI.