Central Lombok Residents Gather Rp1.8 Billion To Help Palestine

JAKARTA - Thousands of residents of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), held solidarity actions and managed to raise Rp1.8 billion in funds for the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza.

"Thank you to the people of Central Lombok, I hope we are always healthy." said the Regent of Central Lombok Regency Then Fathul Bahri in Tastura Praya Square, Sunday.

The Palestinian Defense and Joint Prayer action was carried out by the local government (Pemda) in collaboration with the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Baznas, Education Office, Ministry of Religion, Police, and TNI, as well as Forkompinda.

The activity was also attended by religious leaders, namely Tuan Guru Bagu Turmudzi Badaruddin, TGH Ma'arif Makmun Diranse, community leaders, and other organizations as well as administrators of political parties in Central Lombok.

"The funds collected to date are IDR 1.8 billion, but this could increase to IDR 2 billion," he said.

He said the funds collected from the large family of the people of Central Lombok Regency would be channeled directly through the accounts set by the government.

"This is purely a humanitarian action for our brothers who are still oppressed and struggling for peace," he said.

In front of thousands of citizens, the Central Lombok Regent said the Palestinian state has always been tested, as the place is a bone of contention for all parties and Israel is currently seizing the independence of the Palestinian people.

"Palestinian is a holy and historic site, apart from Makkah and Medina. People seize Palestine because they want to manage the existing potential for the good of their country," he said.

The Regent also invited the public to open their hearts and hoped that world leaders would support Palestine, so that peace would occur and there would be no more oppression of the Palestinian people.

"Let us unite and pray for the struggle of the Palestinian people. May Palestine be given the blessing of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Central Lombok Regency Education Office, Lalu Idham Khalid, said that the amount of funds collected from the education world from students and teachers was more than Rp. 1 billion.

"Hopefully this can be useful for the Palestinian people and hopefully we will get blessings," he said.