TNI AD Flats 731 Maluku Handed Over, Soldiers And Their Families Can Live In

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing has submitted the results of the construction of the TNI-AD 731 Kabaresi flat in Central Maluku Regency, Maluku Province.

The handover procession was marked by the giving of a key during the visit of Pangdam XVI Pattimura at the TNI-AD Headquarters Battalion 731 Kabaresi in Central Maluku Regency.

The occupancy of the TNI-AD 731 Kabaresi Flats can be carried out after the Ministry of PUPR carries out the Operation, Maintenance, Optimization and Rehabilitation (OPOR) program.

" OPOR activities carried out in the flats include improvements to the feasibility of building functions so that they can be immediately occupied by soldiers and their families," said the Head of the Maluku Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P), Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of PUPR Pither Pakabu in his official statement, Monday, November 14.

As a form of appreciation, the Ministry of PUPR through the Maluku Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P) received a placard which was handed over directly by Pangdam XVI Pattimura Ambon to the Head of the Maluku Housing Provision Implementation Center as an expression of his gratitude for the hard work that has been given.

Pangdam XVI Pattimura Major General TNI Syafrial, P.S.C., M.Tr (Han) also appreciated the Ministry of PUPR for working hard to repair the flats belonging to the TNI-AD 731 Kabaresi.

"I would like to thank the Ministry of PUPR for improving the housing of TNI soldiers. Hopefully, these flats can be used as well as possible for the soldiers and managed properly in order to meet the welfare level of TNI 731 Kabaresi soldiers," he said.

For your information, the TNI-AD flat Yonif 731 Kabaresi was built one tower as high as three (3) floors with 35 residential units.