BNPT: Radicalism-Terrorism Grows From Intolerance Seeds

JAKARTA - Head of BNPT Komjen Pol. Rycko Amelza Dahniel said the radical notion of terrorism initially grew from the seeds of intolerance which were attitudes and thoughts that could not accept differences. He emphasized that radicalism and terrorism were not appropriate and threatened the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

This was conveyed by Rycko during the activity of 20 former terrorism convicts (napiters) recording a record Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) at the National Seminar and MURI Record Breaking activities Prevention of Radicalization for Indonesian Students Towards the 2045 Golden Generation at Semarang University (USM), Central Java, Thursday (9/11).

He also conveyed the dangers of radical terrorism that could damage the sustainability of human civilization and tear up humanity.

"This understanding teaches violence, spreads hatred, commits blasphemy and barbarity to humans indiscriminately for those who do not want to follow their desires/ideology," he said.

According to him, this ideology really leaves the reality of human life which is full of love.

Rycko gave high appreciation and appreciation to Semarang University (USM) as the university that was first able to build infrastructure and declare itself as a national campus.

"USM campuses are the pioneers of campuses that protect Indonesia," he added.

Meanwhile, the former convict who is also the Chairman of the Persadani Foundation, Sri Pujimulyo Siswanto, told about the background of being exposed to terrorism due to weak religious education in the family. He was then interested in participating in activities at the mosque around his house to study religion.

"But that's where I started to attend recitations teaching different patterns of religious teaching and guidance. As time went on, there was an attitude of feeling right on my own, limiting relationships with people who were not as united and began to hate the government," said Sri Puji.

After taking part in the recitation for a long time, Sri Puji also joined the Noordin M Top and Dr. Azahari networks. He admitted that he was twice involved in terrorism crimes, namely the end of 2005 and mid-2010.

In the first case, Puji was involved in terrorism for hiding Noordin M Top terrorists and Dr Azahari. Then in the second case, he hid Abu Tholut.

Puji was detained in Nusakambangan, Mako Brimob, and Kedungpane Prison. He became aware when he was imprisoned in the second case.

At that time he participated in the deradicalization program from the government and BNPT, there were discussions, dialogues from various circles. After being released from prison for the second time and having participated in deradicalization, Puji wanted to return to the community.

However, it turns out that it is not as easy as imagined because of his track record as a terrorist convict. Having received a negative stigma as a former convict, Sri Puji was finally able to convince his neighbor if it was not like before.

He was finally given the trust of the head of the RT where he lived to become chairman of the takmir mosque.

"With Mr. RT who has a pattern of approach to embrace me, give me confidence. This is not easy, so I try my best," he said.

Another former convict, Joko Priyono, told of the beginning of his exposure and joining a radical terrorist network. It started when he became active as a mosque activist on the campus where he used to be and became a Rohis Faculty in 1993.

At that time he studied Islam as a whole. Joko then began to be actively studied in the study of radical groups and was involved in the case of arresting terrorists in Caruban, Madiun on May 15, 2019.

"That's why I remind students to be able to study religion with clear and correct teachers," said Joko.