Create A Healthy Digital Business Climate Kadin Collaborates With KPPU
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) to support the creation of a healthy and fair business ecosystem in Indonesia's digital industry.
"As a strategic partner of the government, Kadin Indonesia is committed to encouraging the creation of healthy business competition in order to support Indonesia's economic progress. Through this MoU, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and KPPU will provide support in the development of market competitions that continue to experience changes in a better direction," said the Daily Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi in Jakarta, Saturday.
Yukki explained that the memorandum of understanding was made by referring to Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unhealthy Business Competition along with its amendments and supervision of the implementation of fair and operational partnerships in line with Law Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and their amendments.
Kadin hopes that this collaboration will be able to provide collaboration space for the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and KPPU in order to provide suggestions and input, policy advocacy, socialization, and the implementation of training and education related to the market ecosystem and competition in the business world for industry players and MSMEs throughout Indonesia.
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Based on the projection of online platform trading, Indonesia is predicted to achieve a Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of 22 billion US dollars in 2028. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with KPPU want to anticipate business competition in the digital realm in the future as well as to achieve the target of the Business Competition Index (IPU) in 2045.
It is noted that the Indonesian IPU is relatively healthy and continues to progress, currently the scale is 4.87 from the best scale 7. KPPU targets to reach a scale of 5 in 2024 and a scale of 6 in 2045.
Chairman of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission, Afif Hasbullah, appreciated the commitment of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in supporting the creation of a fair, inclusive, and healthy market for the business world so that the ongoing competition can contribute positively to Indonesia's economic growth.
According to him, Law Number 5 of 1999 is a regulation created to prevent the concentration of economic access by one or more business actors, resulting in the control of production and marketing of certain goods and or services.
"This can certainly cause unfair business competition so that it can harm the public interest," he said