7 Steps To Build Startups For Beginners, Must Be Recorded!

YOGYAKARTA Startup is a business that requires large capital and takes a lot of time. In order not to run out of power, take a look at the steps to build startups for beginners.

Adapted from Investopedia, Wednesday, November 8, 2023, startups are businesses pioneered by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop products or services that are believed to have requests.

Meanwhile, according to Forbes Advisor, startups are defined as businesses that carry and develop unique and innovative products or services that cannot be replaced by customers.

According to the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf), there are a number of conditions that must be met to establish startups, including:

It has been mentioned above that startups are businesses that take a lot of time, energy and require large capital. Well, so you don't get the wrong move, see how to build startup businesses for beginners below:

The first step to build a startup is to determine the right business idea. Generally, startup business ideas must be able to solve social problems that occur and are needed by the market.

Untuk menemukan ide bisnis startup yang tepaat, oblihat sejumlah utama permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat sekitar. Dari situ, Akau bisa mencari apa saja yang mungkin bisa menjadi solusinya.

After finding the right business idea, the next step is to arrange a business plan.

This stage is very important to do so that your business picture becomes clear. Make a short-term plan, long-term, and the targets you want to achieve.

Business planning documents are very useful when you meet investors. The existence of business documents can make it easier for you when giving an explanation about business direction to investors. So that the opportunity to get investment will be even greater, considering that investors can see the prospects for a startup.

As previously mentioned, startups are businesses that require large capital. Your startup business foundation will be stronger if supported by strong capital.

Therefore, it is important to determine how to capital the company you will take.

To get funding sources, you can apply the bootstrapping method (relying on acquaintances to become investors), crowdfunding, and credit from banks.

The next step to build a startup business is to complete business legality. Such as business licenses, brand registration, taxation, business-specific bank account creation, to making contracts with clients or business partners.

In the early stages of startup formation, you need to unite your vision and mission with your co-workers. That way, you can have a solid and solution working team in exploring ideas and formulating strategies to develop your business.

When your startup business is established, immediately build a startup so that it is known to many people.

In order to be offline, you need a comfortable office that can support work needs. Meanwhile, to increase existence in cyberspace, you can create a business service platform and be active on social media.

A business certainly needs customers to develop. Therefore, you need to build a good relationship with customers or other parties.

In addition, you also need to rule out consumers with various new innovations. Do not let customers feel dissatisfied. To get loyal customers, they need to know the purpose of the startup business that you are building.

don't let customers feel dissatisfied. Worse yet, customers don't know what the purpose of the startup you made.

That's information about the steps to build a startup business for beginners. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.