Psychologists Say Watching Horror Films Has 3 Benefits For Health
JAKARTA - Horror films often have a reputation as boring or cheap films. But there's a good reason to watch if you like it. Apparently, a situation that causes fear, but doesn't really put you in danger, can put some positive benefits on mental health.
Here are some psychological positive impacts that can be obtained from watching horror films.
Seeing the terrible scenario on the screen will overwhelm your nervous system with adrenaline hormones, which activate your body's counter-or-run response. Thrilling scenes can make your heart bang and muscles tense. Alissa Jerud, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist and assistant professor of clinical psychology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia says that some people feel this sensation is quite fun.
Watching the scary or tense scenarios that occur on the screen may help you face a similar situation in real life. For example, a Personality and Individual Differences study in January 2021 found that horror film fans showed signs of resilience and better readiness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to those who prefer alien invasion films or filmcurrencies.
"As we focus on something that happens in our lives that looks terrible and we see something in horror films, it might make real events easier to deal with," explained Jerud.
And if you have a phobia or have had trauma, watching a movie that shows scary or trauma can actually be therapeutic.
Exposure-based care for certain phobias and posttraumatic stress disorders sometimes involve watching scenes that actually trigger it on purpose. By doing so repeatedly, you learn that you can tolerate anxiety and respond differently when it comes to it, "said Jerud.
It doesn't matter if you try to watch movies or scenes that are scary or trigger emotions, if you want. But if you experience panic attacks when doing this or if you find it difficult to watch it yourself. You can seek professional support, advises Jerud.
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For some people, seeing something terrible in a film can provide a reinforcing insight into your own personality. If you are able to face something scary, it means you have learned that you have the power to overcome fear, advice on findings in July 2021 in Journal of Media Psychology.
In fact, even if you have to leave the room or turn off the film when things get so tense, you've learned something about how you can handle real-life situations that cause similar emotions. And self-knowledge can be a good thing, said the research author.
If you like this genre, the mood will increase and may even get the opportunity to address some of the deeper problems you may face.
Besides that? If it's not a fan, please choose a romantic comedy or drama. There's no reason to force yourself to watch movies that you don't like.
However, if you avoid certain movies because there are scenes that trigger them, it could be a sign you have an unresolved trauma or phobia and need to be addressed. If so, consider talking to a therapist. You can find a way to deal with fear or anxiety with a professional expert.