What Is Casal Sex? Here's An Expert Explanation On Bad Impacts And Kinds
YOGYAKARTA According to research, people with high levels of disability tend to have sociosexuality. Sociosexuality is the desire to have sexual intercourse without commitment. They tend to look for one-night dating and short-term relationships. Or having sex with people who are already in a relationship or having an affair. Although according to research, people who have casual sex do not want to commit, this tendency turns out to have a bad impact. Before listening to expert explanations about what the bad effects are, recognize the various kinds of casual sex below.
Known as no strings applied, this casual sex form often involves sex with foreigners who may have only been found in the past hour. Or maybe couples pay attention to each other for weeks or months before the opportunity. It could include one-night-stand, or maybe the two people who live it have a steep and jagged lifeline that chooses to travel between ties or are committed together.
Friends with benefits, or useful friends, are made for certain reasons. Initially labeling a relationship as a 'friend'. Usually it happens to someone who is already known before and has met more than once. This type of casual sex can be just to have sex. But not a 'friend' who can be contacted every time you need a true friend.
This form of friendship does not always end badly, explained psychoanalis researcher, counselor, and therapist Paul Joannides, Psy.D. reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, November 1. There is a situation when friends have sex and then remain friends after they stop having sex.
The problem that underscores this type of casual relationship, the two people who live it do not talk about their hopes and feelings. They don't talk to each other about their relationship.
When someone feels lonely, it may come to contact an ex for sex. Maybe the two people who do it are both aware that the best thing in a relationship is sex. Maybe this relationship works, but it still has the potential to 'trade each other' and always in the alley of the past that never ends.
According to Joannides, there are so many forms of casual sex that just happen according to spontaneous wishes. However, the casual relationship involving sexual activity is not without risk. The bad effects that can be experienced, not only reproductive health but also mental health.
Research on young heterosexual men and women, this sexual experience with casual sex has resulted in regret, shame, low self-esteem, greater depression symptoms, and guilt. In addition, it is also at risk of being exposed to sexually transmitted diseases and even experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Unexpected effects of casual sex can actually lead to sexual dysfunction in the future.