Former Head Of NTB Bappeda Amry Rakhman Examined By The Prosecutor's Office For Alleged Corruption In Perusda Capital Participation

The prosecutor's investigator who handled the alleged corruption case in the government's investment in the West Sumbawa Regional Public Company (Perusda) examined the former Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Amry Rakhman. Amry was examined as a witness.Head of the Intelligence Section of the West Sumbawa District Attorney, Rasyid Yuliansyah, explained that his party was examining witness Amry Rakhman in his capacity as the Supervisory Board of West Sumbawa Perusda."Yes, the person concerned is being examined as the Dewas (Supervisory Board) of West Sumbawa Village", said Rasyid when contacted from Mataram, Antara, Monday, October 30.Amry Rakhman's examination is part of the investigator's efforts to see the point of view of internal supervision from the West Sumbawa Regional Board of Perusda on the management of capital investment funds from the government."According to the main duties and functions of the council, the witness (Amry Rakhman) was examined in his capacity as the supervisor," he said.The examination took place today. For the results of the examination, Rasyid admitted that this was under the authority of the investigator. Apart from Amry Rakhman, an examination was also carried out on the treasurer of CV Putra Andalan Marine (PAM), a subordinate of the suspect with the initials EK.With this witness examination, he emphasized that there are still a number of names in the queue for examination. "So, we still have witnesses to examine to strengthen the evidence," he said.In addition, he continued, it is also necessary to wait for evidence from an audit expert on state losses, namely the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).In handling this case, investigators have found potential state losses with a value of at least Rp. 2.1 billion.Investigators found potential state losses from a series of witness examinations. With these findings, investigators carried out searches and confiscation activities.For the search, investigators conducted three different locations, namely at the West Sumbawa Perusda Office in Menala Village, a paving block business in Telaga Bertong, and a CV PAM business in Banjar Village, belonging to a suspect from a West Sumbawa Perusda partner with the initials EK.From the results of the search, investigators confiscated a number of documents and computers related to information on partnership activities with CV PAM.For confiscation related to a number of assets belonging to the suspect, investigators confiscated four assets in the form of land belonging to the suspect EK. The assets in the form of land are in the villages of Banjar and Labuan Kertasari, Taliwang District, West Sumbawa Regency.For the land in Banjar Village, he explained, there were three locations confiscated with an area of 1.46 hectares, 1.63 hectares, and 1.73 hectares. Then, for land in Labuan Kertasari Village, there is one area with an area of 28 are.From the results of the investigation, it was revealed that the suspect EK bought the land in 2016 and 2019. This confiscation was carried out in an attempt by the prosecutor's office to save state losses with the potential results of an independent count of Rp. 2.1 billion.There are two suspects in this case. They have the initials SA, Plt. Director of Perusda and EK who act as Director of CV PAM. Both have already been detained by the prosecutor.Dalam proses penanganan, jaksa pun melakukan pengembangan kasus yang mengarah pada dugaan tindak pidana pencucian uang (TPPU).The prosecutor investigated the allegation from the existence of documents of an unclear flow of money sourced from the management of capital investment funds. A number of official names appeared on the list of recipients of the flow of money.However, Rasyid stated that his party was still limited to investigating. For the continuation process of handling money laundering offenses, his party still has to wait for the main criminal decision related to corruption."We are waiting for the initial criminal (decision), then the TPPU will continue," he said.