Insight Conference 2023, Present Stakeholders & Strengthen Collaboration Towards 2045

JAKARTA - The Warta Ekonomi held the Indonesia Stakeholders Initiatives for Resilient Growth 2023 event, which aims to support the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision which involves the active role of collaboration between parties/stakeholders in order to realize development towards Indonesia Gold 2045.

The event with the theme Strengthening Collaboration towards Golden Indonesia 2045 was organized by Quadrant1 Komunika and held at Yogyakarta on October 13-14, 2023. In addition, this event was accompanied by the CEO of Business Forum which is a prestigious annual event by bringing together leaders and executives from various industries, along with the 2023 Achievement Awards CEO of Achievement Awards. The 2023 Insight Conference talk involved speakers namely the Director of Macro Planning Otorita IKN, Agustomi Masik, Member of the APINDO Executive Council, Inka Prawirasasra; Senior Vice President of BNI, Rima Cahyani; Deputy Secretary-General II AFTECH, Firlie Ganinduto; Director of Marketing, Services, and Business Development of PT TWC, Hetty Herawati; Founder and General Chairperson of Business Forum Indonesia, Jahja B Soenarjo; and CEO of Warta Ekonomi Group Muhamad Ihsan. Also present was Tanri Abeng who was Minister of BUMN 1998-1999.

From the results of research conducted by the Warta Ekonomi team, there are three main topics for business transformation conducted by the CEO in order to welcome Indonesia Gold 2045. First, steps to deal with digital disruption. Second, steps to deal with high inflation risk and economic downturn. Third, escalation steps to deal with geopolitical risks. In detail, the results of the research explained that to deal with digital disruption, advanced analysis is needed. At least 62 percent of respondents had to develop the analysis. Meanwhile, 48% of respondents felt they had to increase cybersecurity and 45 percent of respondents needed to implement work automation or automating work.

Meanwhile, to deal with high inflation and economic downturn risks, as many as 78 percent of respondents need to reduce operational spending, 61 percent need to redesign services and products, and 54 percent of respondents need to reessize strategic and economic assumptions.

Then, to deal with geopolitical risks, 65 percent of respondents felt the need to build good compliance capabilities, 62 percent of respondents needed to create resilience in supply networks, and 56 percent of respondents needed to invest in monitoring and response capabilities.

So, what about CEOs of companies in Indonesia, are they agile and relevant to current conditions? To answer this, Warta Ekonomi categorizes awards based on the age of CEOs while serving as leaders in the company. There are two categories, namely Charismatic/Professional CEO and Rising/Young CEO. These two categories have four subcategories, namely Entrepreneurial/Founder CEO, Braveheart CEO, Guardian CEO, and Growth-Minded CEO.

However, what are the award methodologies used? Board of award judges and Chancellor of Tanri Abeng University, Tanri Abeng and Roy HM Sembel as the jury and Professor Distinguished Chair for Finance & Investment IPMI International Business School, confirmed the award methodology, namely desk research, survey analysis, media monitoring, and assessment of export panels.

The assessment parameters used are corporate strategies, teamwork in the face of the current situation, major alignment of organizational images, leadership individuals through competence, credibility, and humanity, collaboration with stakeholders externally, and involvement of the company's aspects as needed today.

Tanri in her presentation added that in addition to the assessment parameters that have been mentioned, business ethics should also be an important point.

"With this very short time, I want to mention the aspects that may be less popular, namely Business Ethics, to be an reflection for all of us, especially the CEOs who take part in the selection of awards. As a country that is still developing (developing) of course policies, rules, law enforcement are not perfect," said Tanri at the 2023 Insight Conference at Royal Ambarrukmo, Yogyakarta on Friday, October 13.

Tanri also took quotes from figures such as Noordin Sopiee, Gordon Parson, Matasushita Konulak (Pesasonic founder), whose point is regulation and law play an important role, but responsibility is based on ethics, transparency and accountability that play a role in it. In fact, when a company recruits labor and produces goods, it is necessary to reduce poverty, produce products with good quality, and achieve reasonable benefits.

"Ethicals are a product of the social environment and the role of politicians and the government is very important," added Tanri seriously. In addition to ethics, good regulations can also make it easier for business operations to work in a country. Tanri also joked 'Bad policy is worse than corruption.'

At the end of the session, Tanri concluded that business ethics is a product of company leaders or CEOs, and they are needed to lead ethical institutions and become an example for the whole community.

"We all need ethical CEOs to lead ethical behavior across society including government political institutions. Hopefully it can be an reflection for all of us," concluded Tanri.

The following are the names of the winners of the 2023 CEO Achievement Awards.

1. Royke Tumilaar - President Director of BNI - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Adaptability to Business Challenges Through Holding Corporate Core Values.2. Stanley Setia Atmadja - CEO of PT Mandiri Utama Finance - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Fulfilling Multi-Product and Multi-Channel Financing Needs.3. Roni Haslim - President Director of PT BCA Finance - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Corporate Strategy Implementation to Access Credit Growth.4. Tonny H. Gultom - Director of HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (Harita Nickel) - Best Performance Company 2023 in Supporting Mineral Industry Downstreaming Through Integrated Technology and Sustainability Implementation. 5. Jahja Setiaatmadja - President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Providative Product and Digital Services to Increase Business Growth.6. Syofi Raharja - President Director of PT Oxytane Indonesian Partner - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Supporting Fuel Efficiency to Improve Environmental Sustainability Towards Sustainability Implementation.7. Brian Lazuardi Tjahjanto - Director of Azarine Cosmetic - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Encouraging Massive Changes to Expanding Business Scale. 8. Albert Jimmy Rotinsulu - President Director of PT National Resurance Indonesia - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Strategic Policy implementation to Improve Economic Performance.9. Eben Eser Nainggolan - Acting President Director of PT BNI Life Insurance - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Initiative Strategic to Fulfilling Customer Needs.10. Arief Setiawan Handoko - President Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Business Lines Optimization to Increating Productivity.11. Rivan Achmad Purwantono - President Director of PT Jasa Raharja - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in 2023 Strategic Collaboration to Encouraging Traffic Safety Awareness.12. Robby Kurnia - Founder and CEO of PT Jillbert Kreasindo Kurnia - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Encouraging Sustainable Creativity through Vehicle Maintenance Service Integrity.13. F Lian Tje - CEO of PT Megah Sakti Mandiri - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Increasing Product Development and Encouraging Market Expansion.14. Dyota Mahottama Marsudi - CEO of Bank Aladin Syariah - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Providing Inclusive Sharia Banking Service Through Digitization.15. Ronald Walla - President Director of PT Wismilak Inti Makmur, Tbk - Best Performance Chief Executive Officer 2023 in Oriented towards Product Development and Encouraging Market Expansion.