After A Long Wait, Stereocase Comeback Through Save Me And New EP Plans

JAKARTA - After a hiatus for four and a half years, the Stereocase consisting of Fadli Rezasyah (vocals), Iqif (keyboards) and Richard Emanuel (guitar) again greeted their fans by releasing a single titled Save Me.

This is the latest single for Stereocase to plan to release an EP titled 2.3 in March 2024.

Richard Emanuel said the return of Stereocase received good responses from fans. They are enthusiastic about this EP project.

"Pada kemarin kita ngurusin YouTube, ada beberapa komentar yang kita samahutin sih. Terus, kita promo mau rilis album dan kita ngumpul bertiga lagi. Ya cukup lah responnya, beberapa (penggeman) ada yang menungguin kita," kata Richard Emanuel saat jumpa pers di Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Selatan pada Kamis, 26 Oktober.

The return of Stereocase with three personnel in the new EP project, said Fadli Rezasyah, is a gradual growth process towards acceptance.

EP 2.3 is a form of growth, evolution, and challenges that have faced and become a process of learning life. This is also an exploration of the journey from despair to self-acceptance.

"It feels like we started making a band again. I don't want to move from the past, and say it's like 'I used to have this work, that work'. No,' said Fadli.

The most visible change is the use of English in song lyrics. The five songs that are planned to be part of EP 2.3, all in English.

Instead of talking about the concept of songs from EP 2.3, Fadil sees what he is doing as Stereocase's effort to keep working through music. Moreover, this time the project ran without thinking about the concept at the beginning.

"Initially there was no intention of anything, at first we only made a work and if someone related, okay, that's all. Then we made something as much as we can and the concept of these five songs was formed," said Fadli Rezasyah.

"We are not a band that thinks about all kinds of concepts, but after we do it, it turns out to be connected. The concept connects after we open our first door," he concluded.

For information, the release of EP 2.3 will also be a celebration of 15th Anniversary from Stereocase at IFI Jakarta on March 19, 2024.