Various Sports Options For Women Age 40 And Over, Number 5 Is The Easiest

YOGYAKARTA Not only men, women who are 40 years old and over also need exercise to maintain their physical health. At this age, the body will experience natural degeneracy and increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol and stroke. To prevent this, you are required to exercise regularly as soon as you enter your 40s.

However, not all sports can be done by women who have entered the age of their heads 4. So, what are the sports options for women 40 and above? Check out the summary of the information below.

Yoga is a sport that can combine mind and body. This exercise is highly recommended for women aged 40 and over because it can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and maintain muscle strength.

Not only that, Yoga can also lower blood pressure and can prevent depression.

Women who have just started yoga at the age of 40 are advised to do this exercise for 10-25 minutes first. If you are used to it, you can increase the duration.

Zumba is a fitness exercise performed by combining dance and choreography. This sport is very effective for burning fat on the thighs, arms, and abdomen. The buildup of fat in some parts generally occurs with age.

For this reason, zumba is highly recommended for women 40 years and over. However, zumba for over 40 years of age is not the same movement as younger age.

The zumba exercise for women 40 and over is carried out with a lower intensity. The recommended duration of the exercise is elama 40 minutes.

Barre is an exercise that focuses on isometric forces. Isometric itself is muscle contraction when the muscles do not lengthen or stagnate, as if there is no real movement, but in the muscles there is tension.

When doing this exercise, all the strength released by the muscles will be changed to hotter. The Barre exercise can increase balance and flexibility.

If you've just tried the barre at the age of 40, do this exercise for about 30 minutes to get optimal benefits.

Rekomendasi olahraga untuk wanita 40 ke atas yang berikutnya adalah pilates. Latihan fisik yang ini dapat membantu memperkuat otota yang lemah dan menurunkan risiko terjadinya cedera.

In addition, pilates are also good for increasing mobility and hip strength, as well as reducing lower back pain.

Pilates exercise for 20 minutes in one training session is enough for women aged 40 years and over.

Walking is an easy sport to do. This physical activity can be an ideal choice as a sport for women 40 and over.

This sport is effective enough to burn calories. In addition, walking can also strengthen stamina and improve mood.

Women aged 40 and over are advised to walk for at least 30 minutes per day. You can do it five times a week.

That's information about sports for women 40 and above. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.