Riko Prayitno, Guitarist Of Mocca Lost Guitar When Delivered By Ojol

Riko Prayitno, the guitarist of Mocca, reported that his guitar disappeared while being delivered through an online motorcycle taxi (ojol) service.
The news was informed by Riko Prayitno through his Instagram Story.
"This guitar is being delivered by Mr. @gojekindonesia to my house, but in the middle of the road someone stole it," wrote Riko Prayitno in his upload, Monday, October 23.
If anyone knows information about this guitar, please contact me @rikoprayitno. Thank you," he continued.
In the next upload, the Mocca guitarist explained that his Gretsch brand guitar had just been replaced with a pickup.
Riko said, according to an introductory confession, the guitar disappeared when the ojol rider stopped to eat.
"For additional information, this guitar has just finished being replaced by a pickup, from its built-in pickup to a Fidelittron pickup," wrote Riko Prayitno.
After being set up, Mr. GoSend escorted to my house. But in the middle of the road, he ate porridge first, and the guitar was stored on the motorbike. *Moreover, why eat all the porridge, sir?" he said.
Riko Prayitno's upload was re-uploaded by Eross Candra through his Instagram Story upload.