These Are 3 Members Of The Honorary Council Of The Constitutional Court Handling Reports Of Judge Ethical Violations Regarding The Decision Of The Age Limit For Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates

JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) was officially formed to handle the report of the code of ethics and code of conduct of the Constitutional Court judge on the decision of the presidential and vice presidential age limit. MKMK consists of three members, namely constitutional law expert Jimly Asshiddiqie who is also the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court for the period 2003-2008, the Ethics Council of the Constitutional Court for the 2017-2020 period Bintan Saragih, and Judge MK Wahiduddin Adams. "Profesor Jimly can represent community leaders, even though he is very understanding how exactly the Constitutional Court institutions are. Then the second one represents an academic, Professor Bintan Saragih. The third (Wahiduddin) represents an active judge," said Enny in a press conference at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, 23 October. In MK Regulation Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court, the formation of the MKMK is an ad hoc. The composition of the MKMK consists of 1 Constitutional Judge, 1 community figure, and 1 academic who is set in the field of law. Enny emphasized that the three people chosen as members of the MKMK were based on their capabilities in the field of constitutional law. "Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie I think we have no doubt his credibility anymore. Prof. Dr. Bintan Saragih because his institution is now no longer the ethics board but the MKMK, so it allows him to then enter the MKMK," explained Enny. He explained, so far, Enny has received at least 7 reports of violations of the code of ethics and the behavior of other MK judges who have been reported in reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics. We leave all to them without any intervention to them. As I also feel that this part of the MKMKMK is uninterventional. Moreover, he is a senior Mr. Wahidudddin Adams as a senior judge here," he stressed.

Then, there was also a report asking Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman to resign. There were also those who reported the nine judges of the Constitutional Court, ranging from those who granted the requirements for regional heads not yet 40 years old to become presidential and vice-presidential candidates, to those who issued dissenting opinions or different opinions. "In the near future, they will soon be formed to immediately work, to then carry out the process as the procedural law applies within the MKMK to handle at least 7 who have entered here," explained Enny.