Vehicle Modification Rules That Do Not Violate The Law
YOGYAKARTA People must know the rules for modification of vehicles that do not violate the law, especially for those of you who like automotive by making changes either in part or in all vehicle components.
Please note, vehicle modifications are activities in the form of changing the condition of the vehicle to be different from the previous conditions. In Indonesia, modification activities are often carried out for both contest or other purposes to get certain benefits.
Modifications are also considered legal, but cannot be done carelessly. Modifications must consider the applicable rules.
The definition of vehicle modification is also explained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2012 concerning Vehicles. Article 1 point 12 states that the modification of motorcycle vehicles is a change to the technical specifications of dimensions, machines, and/or vehicle transport capabilities.
Quoted from the Tribratanews Polri website, each motorized vehicle that is modified, causing changes in type including dimensions, machinery, and transport capacity will be investigated to design and engineer motorized vehicles. This is as referred to in Article 52 paragraph (1) of Law No.22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation in conjunction with Article 123 paragraph (1) letter b in conjunction with Article 131 letter (e) PP No. 55/2012.
The aspects that will be carried out in the study are as follows.
Modification above can only be done if the vehicle owner has received a recommendation from the sole agent of the vehicle brand holder. In addition, parties have the right to carry out modification activities, namely a workshop that was previously appointed by the ministry in charge in the industrial sector.
In general, modifications that do not violate the law are modifications that meet some of the following criteria.
Vehicle modification activities should not change the dimensions of the motorbike, both in terms of length, width, and volume. The dimensions must be in accordance with the data written on STNK and BPKB.
It must be noted that in each motorcycle frame there is a serial number which is also written at the BPKB. The modification of the vehicle frame has the potential to eliminate the number. In addition, changes in frame also have the potential to cause accidents and damage.
Machine modifications are usually done to increase the engine capacity so that it can be faster than its original speed. This modification should not be done for vehicles used daily because it has the potential to trigger danger.
The color of the vehicle must be in accordance with the color information written on STNK and BPKB. If there is a difference, the vehicle user will be ticketed. Replacement of the color of the vehicle can be done without changing the basic color of the vehicle.
Vehicle owners usually replace the factory's standard exhaust with modified exhaust. This activity is prohibited because it will trigger air pollution and noise pollution.
The light in the vehicle is one of the important components to support safety. The rules regarding the light system and light-guiding tools are in PP No. 50 of 2012. The rules for the lights that are regulated are the color of the headlights in white or light, the back light in red, the red light, the old yellow warning sign light with a dark beam model. In addition, the position, level of light, and the size of the lights are also regulated.
Modifications on the lights will potentially disrupt other motorists, causing a fatal accident.
As previously said, modifications of vehicles, either motorbikes or cars, may be made as long as the limits set. Examples of vehicle modifications that can be done are as follows.
That's information regarding vehicle modification rules that do not violate the law. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.