Despite Mixed Karhutla Smoke, DLH Claims Air In Bengkulu Is Still Normal

BENGKULU - The Environment Agency (DLH) of Bengkulu City said the air levels in the area were still normal at number 38 although the fog had mixed with smoke since the last few days. The sprinkling of smoke that occurred in Bengkulu City was a shipment from other areas such as from neighboring districts or from South Sumatra Province (South Sumatra). "Even so, in the early hours of the morning it was seen that smoke quality was still relatively good. There is an increase that is usually below ten and now at 38 but still good because it is below 50 is relatively good," said Head of DLH Bengkulu City, Riduan dk Bengkulu, Wednesday, October 18, confiscated by Antara. However, he hopes that by soon entering the rainy season to be precise in early November 2023, it can reduce the smogage in Bengkulu City. In addition, he also appealed to the entire people of Bengkulu City to avoid activities outside the home to avoid respiratory tract infection disease (ISPA). "We have made a team for forest and can be said to be controlled because the vacant land for agriculture is very limited and we have also conducted complaints at the kelurahan level and prohibited people from burning garbage," said Riduan. Previously, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Bengkulu Fatmawati Station explained, the fog mixed with smoke that occurred in the Bengkulu City area had been categorized as dangerous for flight transportation. Because, on Tuesday, October 17, the visibility due to smogics only ranged by less than one kilometer, while the normal visibility was 2.5 kilometers.

"From the upper air measurement, through Radio Sonde, it recorded a visibility of less than one kilometer. Meanwhile, visibility is safe for flights, which is 2.5 kilometers, so it has entered the dangerous category," explained BMKG forecaster Fatmawati Station Sukarno Anjasman.

Kondisi kabut asap di Kota Bengkulu hingga beberapa hari ke depan akan terjadi sebab masih terdeteksi sejumlah wilayah terdapat titik panas.Sembilan titik panas yang terdeteksi di Provinsi Bengkulu, terang Anjasman, berada di tiga wilayah yaitu Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Kabupaten Lebong dan Kabupaten Mukomuko.Selain mengganggu aktifitas penerbangan, kabut asap juga telah mengganggu aktivitas pengendara karena jarak pandang terbatas, sehingga pengendara harus menyalakan lampu untuk memberi tanda bagi pengendara lainnya.