Blackhole Surabaya Afrianti's Early Persecution Occurs Outside The Club

SURABAYA - The management of Blackhole KTV Club confirmed that the case of severe abuse until Dini Sera Afrianti died by Gregorius Ronald Tannur took place outside the area where the night entertainment was held.

"Five CCTV camera footage installed on Blackhole KTV have been confiscated by the police. None has shown any incidents of abuse in the Blackhole KTV area," said Legal Permanent Blackhole KTV & Club Sudiman Sidabukke to reporters quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 7.

According to him, the Blackhole KTV Club, which occupies the Lenmarc Mall building, has its own security officers, one of whose duties is to secure a commotion in the area where the night entertainment is located.

The victim of abuse is Dini Sera Afrianti, aged 29, the lover of the perpetrator Ronald.

Sudiman explained that the lovers occupied room number 7 Blackhole KTV Club which arrived at around 21.30 WIB, on Tuesday night, October 3, 2023.

The room was ordered by a man named Yuna on the same day since around 17.30 WIB.

Then Yuna came with her friends, five people came first to fill the room number 7, which she ordered at around 20.00 WIB, before finally the lovers Ronald and Dini joined.

It is known that Ronald and Dini left the Blackhole KTV area at around 00.12 WIB, Wednesday morning, October 4, 2023.

10 minutes later Ronald returned to Blackhole KTV to meet security to request CCTV footage installed in the elevator.

"He said that he had been slapped by his girlfriend in the elevator and asked for CCTV footage. We answered that the CCTV in the elevator belonged to Lenmarc Mall. If you want, please contact the management of the mall," said Sidabuke.

Ronald is said to have come to meet security guard Blackhole KTV twice in an interval of about 10 minutes above 00.30 WIB just to request CCTV elevator footage.

"We can't give it because the CCTV in the elevator is not our authority," said Sidabuke.

The Commissioner of Blackhole KTV Club▁keteranganstira Setyadji emphasized that the elevators and parking lots designated by the police as the scene of the case belonged to Lenmarc Mall.

"Including a number of security officers who first saw and had time to record when Andini's victim was lying in the parking lot was not our employee. They are security at Lenmarc Mall," he said.

Polrestabes Surabaya menetapkan Ronald sebagai tersangka penganiaya berat yang menyebabkan kekasihnya meninggal dunia.

Police released Ronald molesting Andini since leaving the KTV Blackhole area, between the elevator and the parking lot while walking to the car.

"On the basis of the facts of the investigation, which are adjusted to the chronology and supported by evidence, we have raised the status of witnesses as suspects against GR," said Surabaya Police Chief Kombes Pasma Royce.