Febri Diansyah's Former KPK Spokesperson's Dream To Build A Legal Firm To Help Beat Corruption

JAKARTA - Febri Diansyah is not new to the anti-corruption struggle in Indonesia. His life as an activist often amazes the general public. Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) is a forum for his struggle. The spirit of anti-corruption cannot be shaken.

This spirit was carried away when he was the Head of the Public Relations Bureau (Jubir) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He was transformed into the mouth of the KPK to uphold justice. In fact, when he resigned from the KPK. He aspires to create a law firm to support the KPK against corruption.

The problem of corruption in Indonesia often provokes outrage. Repeatedly changing the president, corruption is even more fertile. However, in the midst of corrupt behavior, these officials often appear as anti-corruption figures. Febri Diansyah, one of them.

Febri's anti-corruption spirit has been nurtured since he was still studying at the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). After that, he chose to actively fight corruption. ICW is the new port.

He is engaged in the field of legal and judicial monitoring programs. The power made him actively release his analysis and criticism of corruption in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (SBY) administration. No kidding, he dared to open his voice criticizing corruption in the Wisma Atlet megaproject circle and so on.

Febri's courage to make his name stick out. His popularity as an anti-corruption figure has increased. This narrative is evidenced by Febri winning the title as the most influential activist in 2011 from Charta Politica Indonesia.

The regulation then brought Febri plenary as an anti-corruption fighter. He was called to defend the KPK banner. Since then his spirit was directed to be part of an anti-corruption agency in 2013. he served as a functional employee of the KPK's Gratification Directorate.

After that, he applied again as a spokesman for the KPK and succeeded. He occupies the position previously occupied by Johan Budi, now a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). He officially became a mouthpiece for the KPK in 2016.

He perpetuated this position with joy. Moreover, he can actively fight to uphold the anti-corruption banner. Even though his involvement as a spokesman often gets criticism from here and there. From general audiences, journalists, to officials.

The journalist also criticized the KPK spokesman, Febri Diansyah. On several occasions, Febri, who was accused of giving statements to all journalists, only answered normatively and was not firm on the determination of the suspect along with the search. Febri did not seem to want to be clashed with the leadership who delivered the statement.

"This condition is different from the policy of the Chairman of the KPK Abraham Samad. At that time, if there was a KPK leader who gave a statement to a printed journalist or online, the leader was 'obliged' to come down to provide an explanation to all journalists so that radio journalists and television could take it. Also if the leader did not give a statement, Johan Budi Sapto Pribowo, who was then a spokesman for the KPK, appeared to provide information, "explained Sabir Laluhu in the book Journalist's Story of the Flagpole (2018).

Febri's existence as a KPK spokesman is getting more and more classy. However, the responsibilities given also increased. He is ready to work well. However, Febri chose to resign from the KPK on October 18, 2020.

The incompatibility of vision made him leave. His departure from the KPK did not make Febri's commitment as an anti-corruption fighter collapse. He even continued to express support and was willing to help the KPK from outside.

Febri emphasized this commitment a few months before officially separating from the KPK. Febri revealed that he and his friends intend to build a law firm later known as the Vision Law Office. A law firm that can later move to provide legal assistance to victims of corruption.

Febri deliberately focuses on corruption victims. Because, he did not want himself to be on the side of a corruptor, or benefit corruptors. He fully disclosed the concept. He called the ideas as part of his efforts to contribute from outside.

"Simply as the Head of the Public Relations Bureau, I received quite a high income. And when I received that income every month, at that time statements of moral burdens appeared, because this money was money from the people and I couldn't contribute significantly. And too much I receive that people's money every month. I think it's better for me to be outside and contribute even more significantly without any moral burden. "

"So this is indeed the relatively new concept of law firm that we want to try to develop, namely combining a law office such as law firms with still aspects of anti-corruption advocacy, especially for victims of corruption because they are somewhat neglected," said Febri when visiting the VOI office, September 28, 2020.