The Cost Of Hybrid Car Service Is It Really More Expensive Than Fuel Cars?

YOGYAKARTA - hybrid cars are now increasingly being produced because demand in the market is also increasing. However, the maintenance of hybrid cars is said to be more expensive than ordinary cars because they use two driving systems, namely gasoline and electric motor fuel. So how much is the cost of serving a hybrid car and is it really quite expensive?

hybrid cars are being popular because their use is in accordance with current technological developments, namely using electric fuel. With a hybrid car, you can choose to drive using fuel or electric power. Of course, the price of hybrid cars is also higher than conventional cars or fuel.

The need for maintenance for hybrid cars is certainly different from ordinary cars that only have one type of engine. Many people ask what the cost of serving hybrid cars and maintenance of their components is.

Hybrid Car Service Fees

In general, the costs that must be incurred for the maintenance of hybrid cars are relatively the same as for conventional car services. In the need for service, the treatment process of these two types of cars is not much different.

The owner of a hybrid car is advised to perform maintenance or service to the official workshop of each Odometer number touching a multiplicity of 10,000 km. Likewise with the need for service to conventional cars.

Small differences are found in the air filter components in the battery cooling system. These components need to be cleaned regularly every 6 months. If the car's odometer hits a figure of 40,000 km, the battery's air filter needs to be replaced with a new one.

Another component in a hybrid car that needs to be considered is the radiator cooling fluid. This component needs to be replaced with a new one when the car has reached a distance of 160,000 kilometers.

With the need for services that is not too different, the cost for maintenance of hybrid cars and conventional cars is not much different. For example, Camry Hybrid users, for 5 years, have to spend IDR 29.7 million for treatment for 5 years. Meanwhile, conventional Camry sedans require a fee of IDR 29.6 million for maintenance.

Another example, for example, the owner of CHR Hybrid with a use of 5 years will spend IDR 25.9 million in maintenance funds. Meanwhile, in the same period, users of the gasoline compact SUV must prepare a fee of up to IDR 26.57 million for service.

Here are some tips or how to take care of a hybrid car so that the components in the car can last longer and can be used for a long time.

Check Car Battery

Important components in hybrid cars that need attention are batteries. Car batteries must be checked regularly to see the condition of the supply of electricity and whether there is a problem or not. This section becomes the electric supplier needed by the car to be able to go forward. If this car battery is no longer suitable for use, then the battery needs to be replaced.

Be Careful When Washing Car Engines

The next step that needs to be done is to be careful when washing parts of the car engine. Do not carelessly or carelessly wash the car because it risks damaging parts of the engine component. So that there are no problems or damage, make sure car engine washing requires caution and is taken to a trusted service.

Checking the Car Cooling System

The radiator of the cooling system in the car is also an important component that needs to be considered. This section needs to be checked to check whether the cooling fluid is still in sufficient volume or reduced. If the liquid has decreased, it needs to be refilled. In addition, regular cleaning of the radiator also aims to prevent mold from appearing that can interfere with the work of the hybrid car.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai biaya penayangan mobil hybrid dan perbedaannya dengan perawatan mobil biasa. Sebenarnya biaya perawatan kedua mobil ini tidak terlalu jauh, namun biasanya lebih mahal mobil hibrid karena ada beberapa komponen yang perlu diperhatikan.

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