Zulhas Calls 'badai' Affected By The Ministry Of Trade Regarding The AGO Search

JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said that there was indeed a "storm" in his ministry related to searches by the Attorney General's Office (AGO) investigators.

"Yes, I did enter (the Ministry of Trade) 'the storm' until now it has not been finished, yes," said Zulhas, the Minister of Trade's nickname when met at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 3.

Zulhas was inaugurated as Minister of Trade on June 15, 2022, replacing Muhammad Lutfi.

According to Zulhas, the "badai" at the Ministry of Trade is related to the case regarding cooking oil, iron, salt and others. He guaranteed that the Ministry of Trade under his leadership would support the "badai" to be completed.

"The storm but slowly yesterday, the Ministry of Trade has already been able to control it for Lebaran, Christmas, and the new year. However, the storm is still there until now the rest, hopefully it can be resolved later," he said.

Zulhas' statement was in response to the search attempt by the AGO investigators at the Ministry of Trade's office today (3/10).

The AGO searched the Office of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) regarding the alleged abuse of sugar import authority on Tuesday.

The search after investigators officially raised the case to the investigation stage. The AGO suspects that there has been a criminal act of corruption related to the abuse of authority in the sugar import policy related to the fulfillment of national sugar stocks and price stabilization.

In addition to the sugar import case, the AGO has previously handled allegations of corruption related to the export of cooking oil involving the former Director General of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Indra Sari Wisnu Wardhana, as a suspect. Now, in the case that cost the state Rp6.47 trillion, Indra Sari has been sentenced to 3 years in prison.