Labor Party And KSPI Will Hold Mass Action At The Constitutional Court On October 2

JAKARTA The Labor Party and KSPI will hold a massive mass action during a hearing on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the judicial review of Law (UU) No. 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation, Monday, October 2, 2023.
The Constitutional Court Building will become a human ocean, where the mass action comes from Jabodetabek. Here the Constitutional Court will risk the fate of workers in the future. If workers do not get justice, then the streets will be a way for workers to achieve justice," said the President of the Labor Party, Said Iqbal, in a written statement, Thursday (28/9).
He emphasized that the Constitutional Court's decision would later show whether justice in Indonesia was still alive or dead. This is because the community's resistance to thwarting the Omnibus Law on Job Creation is so persistent and tireless.
Said stated that the Omnibus Law is a common enemy or a common enemy. This is because the product of the law is considered to threaten the future of workers, farmers and fishermen.
"Hopefully the Constitutional Court Judge uses his common sense and conscience. If the law does not side with the community and harms the workers, then change it," he added.
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He also revealed that the action on October 2, will continue until the fight against the Omnibus Law on Job Creation is won. By bringing two main demands, namely revoking the Omnibus Law on Job Creation and increasing the minimum wage of 15 percent in 2024.
Aksi 2 Oktober adalah awalan, bila mana tidak ditemukan adanya keadilan di MK. Setelah itu aksi pekerja akan terus meluas dan berkrobat di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Partai Buruh akan terus menyuarakan tuntutan, turun ke jalan sampai menang, tutup Said Iqbal.