Experiencing Acne When Childhood, So This Beauty Doctor Motivation Is Successful To Have International Certification

JAKARTA - Childhood is the initial foundation for a person in responding to his life. Not infrequently, experience in that time will also shape someone in the life to come.

Success is born from strong motivation. This motivation can also be born from childhood experiences, whether it's fun or vice versa.

dr. Imelda tjoe, dip.AAM (USA), Mbiomed (AAM), MHUm, MKM became a figure like now, also thanks to what he experienced as a child. His shortcomings in the past were his strength to achieve success as an aesthetic doctor in the field of medical beauty.

Yes, this doctor from Medan is known as a beauty expert with medical acupuncture science background, beauty acupuncture, hormones to nutrition. He also mastered the ability of filler injection, botox and yarn, including exploring spots or bounce lasers to acne.

Behind his skill, everything started when he experienced facial skin problems in the form of acne in his childhood. He experienced this problem at the age of 10. Because he didn't get a place to cure acne, he was then determined to study hard and become a doctor. The reason, he wanted to heal himself first.

"Because since the age of 10, I have had acne problems and I have been going around for treatment and have not received recovery. That's why I am determined to become a doctor to heal myself, my surroundings and my family, until now everyone can feel their skin clean," said the 40-year-old doctor, quoted Tuesday, September 26.

Since 2005, he has dedicated his life to the aesthetic field. His determination was not kidding. In addition to taking education at the S1 Faculty of Medicine, Mediodist University Indonesia, Dr. Imelda had traveled to Singapore, the United States to France to explore science.

"I also took Indonesia at Prima Indonesia University to take other fields of science," he said.

Dr. Imelda reminisced about the times when he opened his own beauty clinic practice. Click, which he named Clinicix Slimm, initially only had 3 patient beds, then expanded to 10 until now 30 units.

In fact, it now has a machine to treat patients imported from Europe and the United States. This includes own beauty brands and products that he will launch in the near future.

"When we get praise and appreciation for our hard work, it feels really good," said Dr. Imelda.

During the treatment of so many patients, Dr. Imelda admitted that she was lucky to get many positive impressions. Especially if it is able to help other people's lives get better through attractive appearances. Many people who come to the clinic with less confidence due to problems such as acne.

"One day I met a patient outside the clinic and greeted him like a friend. He admitted that he was much more confident and got a mate because his appearance became more attractive. This is what makes me happy because other people's lives can change for the better," he said.

However, there are times when he finds patients who are impatient and want instant results.

"Even though everything needs a process. There are also those who compare prices. Even though we sell experiences and flying hours. This is not just a matter of price, because prices are relative," said Dr. Imelda.

As with achieving success, Dr. Imelda said no one was instant. For anyone who wants to pursue a field like himself, the key is to learn and love what he does.

"The key is to always learn and learn. Because in the world of beauty, let alone our medicine, we are people whose intellectual height is upheld, so we must be very careful. Make sure what we are working on is what we love, don't just follow the trend that in the end is not loved with heart," he said.