2 Operation Day Zebra Jaya 2023, 343 Drivers Ticketed

JAKARTA - Operation Zebra Jaya 2023 has been going on for two days. The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya noted that 341 motorists were prosecuted for violating the rules.

"The total number of violators who were sanctioned was 341 motorists," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement, Wednesday, September 20.

Hundreds of violators were dealt with using different methods. For 293 vehicles that violated the ticket with static ETLE and 48 others using mobile ETLE.

The majority of violators are four-wheeled vehicles. A total of 274 violated the rules for the use of seat belts, 43 motorists violated road markings, and 10 violated the speed limit.

There are nine motorists who violate the rules for using cell phones while driving. There are also three motorists who do not wear SNI helmets and two against the flow.

Not only fines, said Trunoyudo, his party also gave warnings to thousands of motorists during the two days of the Zebra Jaya Operation 2023.

"The number of drivers who were given a warning was 4,551," said Trunoyudo.

Operation Zebra 2023 will be held from Monday, September 18 to Sunday 1 October. In this operation, it targets 15 forms of traffic violations, as follows;

1. Drivers of four or two wheels that go against the current.

2. Drivers or drivers under the influence of alcohol.

3. Drivers or drivers use cellphones while driving.

4. Not wearing a SNI helmet.

5. Not wearing a safety belt.

6. Drivers exceed the specified speed limit.

7. Drivers ride more than one person.

8. Drivers or underage drivers and do not have a driver's license.

9. Two-wheeled, four-wheeled or more motorized vehicles that do not meet the road requirements.

10. Two-wheeled motorized vehicles, four-wheelers or more that are not equipped with a Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK).

11. Violating the road markings.

12. Two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles that are not equipped with standard equipment.

13. The motorized vehicle that installs the rotator is not its designation.

14. Controlling four-wheeled vehicles wearing secret number plates.

15. Control of illegal parking.