BNPB Socializes Relocation Of 40 Families Affected By South Bogor Floods

BOGOR - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) socialized the relocation of residential areas for 40 family cards (KK) affected by landslides and others in South Bogor District, Bogor City, West Java.

Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie Abdul Rachim, appreciated all parties who have sought to accelerate the relocation of South Bogor residents affected by the disaster.

"Thank you to all parties. This relocation after going through for some time, has been decided on a relocation area that we can make a Disaster Resilient Village," said Dedie, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 19.

He said that next week, 40 buildings were ready to become ready for residents and it was targeted that by the end of the year they could be occupied, thus providing new benefits and hopes for residents affected by the disaster in South Bogor.

The socialization of relocation was carried out on Monday (18/9), which was attended by Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Diah Pitaloka, Deputy for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of BNPB Bara Jarwansyah, and Deputy Mayor of Bogor Dedie Abdul Rachim, accompanied by Bogor City Secretary Syarifah Sofiah and Head of BPBD Bogor City Teofilo Patrocinio Freitas.

The Bogor City Government has provided a land area of 7,000 square meters in Pamoyanan Village as relocation land for the 40 families, so they no longer live in disaster-prone areas.

The Vice Mayor advised the implementers of development that the planning must be mature and comprehensive. The existing things must be immediately coordinated and resolved with other related parties, including spatial planning, access, infrastructure, such as clean water, PLN, septictankkomunal and others.

Deputy for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of BNPB Bara Jarwansyah explained that the housing sector is a priority in handling disaster-affected communities so that they can return home and carry out activities normally and it is hoped that they will no longer be in refugee camps.

The hope is that the process of building the house can be completed quickly. The houses built type 36, two rooms are facilitated clean water and electricity for lighting plus social facilities and facilities so that they are safer and more comfortable than the old place," he said. "For this reason, the support of all parties is highly expected, in addition to the patience of the affected residents in waiting for the completion of the house construction process," said Bara Jarwansyah.

Overall, BNPB has built 700 thousand houses throughout Indonesia that have been affected by disasters and in Indonesia an average of 10 disasters per day.