Police Arrest 12 6.5 Ton Palm Oil Thieves In West Kotawaringin

PALANGKA RAYA - West Kotawaringin (Kobar) Police, Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) arrested 12 suspects suspected of stealing 6.5 tons of palm oil in a plantation owned by an oil palm plantation company in Kerabu Village, North Serut District.

"The twelve suspects harvested palm oil in PT. BJAP 2's garden," said Kobar Police Chief AKBP Bayu Wicaksono at Pangkalan Bun as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, September 14.

Bayu said the 12 suspects had the initials A, BA, A, H, J, MA, MSS, MJ, PH, RS, S, and MA.

"Due to the invitation, they gathered in Durian Tunggal Village, using a pickup to the garden land. And at the location, there was already a Master brother who was the mastermind behind the action plan," he explained.

Bayu explained that before harvesting the suspects, they were given directions to harvest in any part of the block.

Then, after being given directions, they did the harvesting together.

"After finishing harvesting they were directed to sell the palm oil fruit," he said.

Due to this incident, the palm oil plantation company suffered a material loss of more than Rp. 14.3 million.

"The oil oil that was successfully harvested by the suspects was 6.5 tons, and the other evidence that we managed to secure was 4 pickup cars, 1 angkong, 4 egreks or harvesting equipment and 8 tojoks," he said.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 363 paragraph 1 to 4 of the Criminal Code, with the threat of imprisonment for 5 years in prison.

The public was also asked not to commit theft or other acts against the law, because his party would take firm action against any violators of the law.