Kejari Saves Assets Owned By The Magetan Regency Government Worth IDR 3.7 Billion

The Magetan District Attorney (Kejari) managed to save the assets of the Magetan Regency Government (Pemkab) as many as eight points of land objects from the exchange process worth Rp3.7 billion.

Kajari Magetan Atik Rusmiaty Ambarsari said the object of the land was in Lembeyan Kulon Village, Lembeyan District. The asset rescue is currently entering its third stage.

"Where phase I will be carried out in 2021, phase II in 2022, and stage III in 2023 which at this stage succeeded in saving assets in the form of land objects covering an area of 14,878 m2 with a value of Rp. 3,716,004,000," said Atik at the Land Certificate Submission event in order to rescue and recover the assets of the Magetan Regency Government., Monday, September 11.

According to him, regional asset management is something that must be carried out properly in order to provide an overview of regional wealth, clarity of ownership status, security of regional goods and increasing Regional Original Revenue (PAD) from the use of regional assets.

"Therefore, the local government is obliged to provide security for regional assets," he said.

The prosecutor's capacity as the state attorney at the request of the regional government can act in terms of securing assets, saving assets belonging to the regional government which are controlled by other parties, and so on.

The Prosecutor's Office can also provide legal assistance, legal considerations, and other legal actions both inside and outside the court in the position of both the defendant and the plaintiff in civil and state administrative cases.

Magetan Regent Suprawoto expressed his gratitude for the hard work of the Magetan Kejari in saving local government assets.

"Thank you to the ranks of the Magetan District Attorney for playing an active role in saving regional assets," said Suprawoto Regent.

On this occasion, an award was also given to Kajari Magetan and his staff for his participation in saving the assets of the Magetan Regency Government.

The Regent stated that the award was a form of appreciation and gratitude from the Magetan Regency Government to the Magetan Kejari.

The activity was attended by the Regent of Magetan, Kajari Magetan, Secretary of Magetan Regency, representatives of ATR/BPN Magetan, and other invitations.