A Hanyut Indonesian Citizen Dies As A Result Of Flash Floods In Hong Kong

JAKARTA - An Indonesian citizen with the initials DI was reported to have been swept away in a flash flood that hit Hong Kong during September 7-8.

The information was obtained by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Hong Kong, after being informed by the Hong Kong authorities that DI was found dead.

"DI's body has been evacuated and is already in Hong Kong Hospital," said Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and Indonesian Legal Entities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, September 9.

The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong has conveyed this sad news to the families of the victims in Blitar, East Java.

"The Indonesian Consulate General, employers and victims and labor agencies will facilitate the return of the bodies in Indonesia," said Judha.

He appealed to Indonesian citizens to contact the Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong hotline number +85267730466 if they were in a state of emergency.

Judha mengungkapkan, DI adalah pekerja migran Indonesia di Hong Kong sejak 2016 dan selama di sana dia bekerja sebagai pembun.

Heavy rains flushed Hong Kong and caused flash floods in a number of areas in the region.