Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution Wants BRT Development To Be Realized Immediately

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution wants the construction of a rapid transit bus (BRT) by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) to be realized in this area.

"We are very grateful, hopefully Medan City will be the right choice. What is lacking in the construction of BRT can be conveyed to us," Bobby said when receiving the Director of Road Transportation of the Directorate General of Land Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation Suharto, in Medan, North Sumatra, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, September 7.

According to Bobby, the construction of BRT aims to overcome traffic congestion and at the same time provide fast, comfortable, and low-cost mobility to the community.

The Mayor of Medan revealed that the Medan City Government is committed to fully supporting the construction of the BRT which is included in the Indonesia Mass Transit (Mastran) project.

His party will continue to encourage the people of Medan City to switch to using public transportation from now on using private vehicles.

The Medan City Government continues to add facilities and access, so that people are interested in using public transportation, such as around terminals and bus stops.

"Alhamdulillah, it is starting to see an increase in people using public transportation. Therefore, we will continue to develop this facility," said Bobby.

Director of Road Transportation of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Suharto said the construction of this BRT, both infrastructure, lanes, depots, and other supporters, would be carried out more quickly.

One of the accelerations of BRT development, such as infrastructure procurement, especially construction, which was originally scheduled for January 2024, has been carried out in the quarter of this year.

"For the operation of bus needs for Medan (Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang) as many as 551 fleets. BRT operates in Medan 17 corridors, of which 15 corridors are the authority of the Medan City Government," he said.

Head of the Medan City Transportation Agency, Iswar Lubis, said that the construction of the BRT route had been agreed to start no later than March 2024.

The authority to build 17 corridors, including 15 corridors, is under the authority of the Medan City Government, while two more corridors are under the authority of North Sumatra Province.

"The procurement of buses totaling 551 units, the need for a fleet in the city is 468 units. Of the 551 buses, 50 percent are electric buses from the Ministry of Transportation," said Iswar.