The Cheating Judge Who Was Raided In The Tangerang Hotel Room Was Fired

JAKARTA - The panel of honorary judges (MKH) decided to impose severe sanctions in the form of permanent dismissal with the right to retire to the judge involved in the affair, namely the judges of the Central Java High Court with the initials HB.

"Imposing sanctions on the reported judges with severe sanctions in the form of permanent dismissal with pension rights," said Supreme Court Justice Hamdi as Chairman of the MKH Assembly at the Supreme Court (MA) building, as quoted by ANTARA from a written statement, Wednesday, September 6.

Hamdi explained that the sanctions were in accordance with the applicable code of ethics and code of conduct (KEPPH) rules.

"As stipulated in Article 19 Paragraph (4) letter d of the Joint Regulation of the Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Chairman of KY (Judicial Commission) Number 02/PB/MA/IX/2012 02/PB/P.KY/09/2012 regarding enforcement guidelines for KEPPH," said Hamdi.

The violation began with viral news related to the raid on HB, who used to be the Chairman of the Kasongan District Court. The father-in-law of the reported judge HB raided his son-in-law who was having an affair with another woman in Hotel D room, in the Tangerang area in June 2022.

When he was raided, the judge's mother-in-law reported HB was furious because she found out that her daughter-in-law was having an affair. This made the wife of the reported judge HB, now a former wife, choose the legal route by reporting her husband to the Polda Metro Jaya for the adultery case.

For this incident, the Supreme Court's Supervisory Body (Bawas) then conducted an examination. From the examination carried out, the judge reported HB admitted his actions, so the Supreme Court Bawas recommended severe sanctions for dishonorable dismissal.

In the MKH trial which was held behind closed doors because it involved decency, the judge reported HB was given the opportunity to defend himself. At the trial, the Indonesian Judicial Association (IKAHI) provided evidence of information and letters.

Also present to testify, one substitute clerk at the Semarang High Court (PT) where the judge reported HB served. The witness stated that HB had converted and carried out his duties well at PT Semarang.

The judge reported HB, said the witness, had also apologized to his ex-wife and in-laws, and was still in good relations with the children.

After hearing all the information, the MKH assembly led by Supreme Court Justice Hamdi held a deliberation with other members of the MKH assembly, namely Supreme Court Justices Ibrahim and Muhammad Yunus Wahab, as well as KY representatives: Deputy Chairperson of KY Siti Nurdjanah and Member of KY M. Taufiq HZ, Sukma Violetta, and Binziad Kadafi.

From the results of the deliberation, the MKH assembly agreed that the defense of the reported party should be rejected. The MKH Council decided that the judge reported HB had been proven to have violated two KEPPHs.

First, act wisely and wisely as stated in the Joint Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Court with the Chairman of KY No. 047/KMA/SK/IV/2009 02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 On KEPPH that judges must act according to the norms that live in society, both legal norms, religious norms, customs and decency in Numbers 3.1 paragraph (1) judges are required to avoid disgraceful acts in conjunction with Article 7 paragraph (2) letter a of the Joint Regulation of the Chairman of the Supreme Court and Chairman of KY Number 02/PB/MA/IX/2012 02/PB/P.KY/09/2012 concerning Guidelines for Enforcement of KEPPH.

Second, the 7 point 7 item provision 7.1 upholds self-esteem as stated in the joint decision of the Chairman of the Supreme Court and Chairman of KY No. 047/KMA/SK/IV/2009 02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 on KEPPH that judges must maintain the dignity and dignity of judicial and professional institutions, both inside and outside the court, in conjunction with Article 11 paragraph (3) letter a of the Joint Regulation of the Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Chairperson of the KY regarding Guidelines for Enforcement of the KEPPH that judges must maintain the dignity and dignity of the judiciary, both inside and outside the court.