Suddenly Cak Imin Ispinang Anies, Democrat: Be Careful In This Contest That Doesn't Have A Trust

JAKARTA - The Democratic Party feels betrayed by the NasDem-PKB political cooperation without involving the party bearing the Mercy symbol. Moreover, NasDem is bound by a coalition with Democrats-PKS in the 2024 presidential election, Ujug-ujug paired Anies Baswedan with Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin.

Head of the Democratic Party's Organizational, Membership and Cadreization Development Agency (BPOKK) Herman Khaeron revealed that from the start his party had been carefully warned in making decisions to face the 2024 presidential election contestation. "Actually, many friends have given advice, that being careful in a contestation that we do not have this trust will end in trouble," said Herman Khaeron at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, September 1.

Herman even admitted that the Democrats had doubts about building cooperation with the NasDem Party and supporting the future presidential candidate (candidate) Anies Baswedan. However, the political agreement was approved and agreed to form with NasDem and PKS through the Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP), the Democrats finally confirmed that all out won Anies.

"Democrats have strong moral standards, good morality so that we are committed to the coalition's struggle. Until the last drop of blood we are also committed to fighting for the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, at that time," he said.

Furthermore, Herman explained the chronology of the Democrats agreeing to be part of the KKP. It started in October 2022, NasDem and Democrats explored political cooperation and proposed Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate. Until January 2023, the coalition has not been realized because the combination of political parties is still below 20 percent. "Then, on 13 (January, ed), Mas Anies asked as a NasDem representation for Democrats to fight for and encourage PKS to enter our coalition. I think this is what if taken into account, this struggle is not a light and simple one. It takes time and many obstacles, many temptations, but this determination embodies a coalition of three parties, which is manifested in a charter of the coalition on February 14, 2023. So the journey is long," he explained. The collaboration continued to strengthen until Anies gave certainty regarding the vice presidential candidate that would accompany the 2024 presidential election. At that time, Anies invited the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono alias AHY to jointly fight in pairs.

"In mid-March, Mas Anies called again that he wanted to pair up with AHY, normative by phone," said Herman.

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The Democratic Party, continued Herman, is very happy that Anies asked AHY. However, the party is still keeping Anies' proposal a secret to the NasDem Party and PKS, which at that time was a partner in the Change Coalition. "We were told by the chairman of AHY that there was this communication. We are happy, that ensuring that there is already a forerunner of the coalition. The presidential candidate is Anies Baswedan, the vice presidential candidate is Mr. AHY. But we respect the sovereignty of the parties, we did not announce and immediately, but it was handed back according to the coalition charter that the one who announced it was a presidential candidate, namely Anies Baswedan," explained the member of the DPR.

Hingga pada perjalanannya, kata Herman, NasDem selalu berpolemik dengan nama cawapres. Partai Demokrat yang sudah mendeputi nama AHY sebagai cawapres hanya bisa sidias. "Kami sidang saja karena kami menghormati kedaulatan partai masing-masing. Namun harus diperingat bahwa kita memiliki kotterisi kolegasi yang ditandatangani oleh ketiga partai, seharusnya ini yang didominasi. Kita tidak boleh bicara, bilikah diberikan kepada capres sambila kita membuat langsung-langkah strategis untuk kemenangan," ucapnya. Herman lalu menjelaskan, pada 24 Agustus lalu, dilakukan pertemuan antara Anies dengan Tim 8 KPP terkait cawapres. "Tanggal 25 (August), mas Anies menulis surat tertul tulih untuk mengajak (AHY) menjadi cawapres, dan ini di balasah oleh Ketum AHY bahwa 'bismillahirrahmanirrahim tentun kami kami siap untuk bersama-sana menangkan pilpres tahun 2024," paparnya.

After the letter, Team 8 KPP gathered to confirm the date of Anies-AHY's declaration as a pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024. Team 8 then decided the declaration was made between 1-10 September 2023. "This is the umpteenth commitment of the river, because during Ramadan fasting it was also promised a declaration, it did not materialize. Then after Eid, it did not materialize, then before going on the pilgrimage, it was not carried out, then after returning from the pilgrimage it was also not carried out. Well, then it was decided on the good day of August 18 because it was also in line with the constitutional day, it was not carried out either," he said.

"Well, finally (Anies, ed) met Pak Surya Paloh, on the 24th (August) met with NasDem. On the 25th, the readiness of the AHY chairman was answered, then met the chairman of the upper house (SBY) the next day to meet the PKS Shura Council, Mr Salim Segaf, on the 26th," he added. In the midst of Democratic preparations to hold an Anies-AHY declaration, Herman said that his party was shocked to suddenly hear news about the meeting of NasDem and PKB who proposed the Anies-Cak Imin duet. "Tau-tau dated 29 (August) we received information that there was a NasDem meeting with PKB in NasDem Tower. We considered it to be a regular bilateral meeting in political communication," he said. "But on August 30, Pak Sudirman Said was sent by Anies Baswedan to convey information to Team 8 of the Democratic envoys and PKS to convey that the NasDem presidential-cawapres was Anies and Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar from PKB, and political cooperation has been carried out," continued Herman. "It means that NasDem is making a new coalition with PKB. And it also means that NasDem left the Coalition of Change, because it took a unilateral cooperation decision without us knowing it also decided the presidential candidate and its vice presidential candidate unilaterally," he said again. Herman said, the Democrat Party could not say anything else related to the cooperation with NasDem and Anies for the 2024 presidential election. Because, Anies has also confirmed this information after being asked for clarification by the Democratic Secretary General, Teuku Riefky Harsya.

"There is no other word that the Coalition for Change for Unity has been abandoned by the formation of a new NasDem coalition with PKB. And this is what we later refer to as betrayal of change," he said.