Jokowi Appreciates Ganjar's Free Vocational School: Very Good Initiative From Central Java

SEMARANG - President Joko Widodo appreciated Governor Ganjar Pranowo's initiative to establish the Central Java State Vocational School. Jokowi said that the existence of this school could help solve the poverty problem in Central Java. This was conveyed by Jokowi after visiting SMK N Central Java in Semarang, Wednesday, August 30. According to the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, this school is a great initiative from the Central Java Provincial Government. A very good initiative from Central Java," said Jokowi after reviewing Central Java Vocational Schools in Semarang. Jokowi and First Lady Iriana, accompanied by Governor Ganjar and his wife Siti Atikoh saw a number of spaces and infrastructures in schools that utilized the former BP Dikjur building. Some of the facilities seen by Jokowi include the bubut machine repair shop, electronics mechanics workshop, workshop and CNC computer lab. Jokowi also had time to see the Japanese language class. Including the dormitory facilities located at the back of the school. Jokowi sees that, overall this school has good facilities for students. This SMK infrastructure infrastructure is also much better, the basic machines to CNC are also good and linking with companies are also good and there are Japanese language courses as well, "he said.

The advantages of Central Java Vocational School which also attracted Jokowi's attention are free of charge or free and intended for students from underprivileged families. Jokowi sees this as an effort to alleviate poverty. SMK which is specifically for underprivileged families, is free of charge and financed all from the Provincial Government. This is one way to solve problems related to poverty. Today I will order the Minister of Education and Culture to come here.' I see it well,' he said.," he said.Ganjar said, this Central Java SMKN invested three years to help solve the poverty problem. Because in the fourth year, they have finished schooling and can work. Then they have become the backbone of their family, because we apologize for the students from poor families. So we can suppress the poverty rate from the start of education, good signs. Central Java SMKN is initiated by Ganjar since 2014. This school first stands in Purbalingga, Semarang, and Pati for students from poor families. The absorption rate in the job field of its graduates is also high. Central Java Provincial Government continues to open wide access to free education by adding 15 SMKN Central Java semi-boarding spread across various regencies. These 15 schools include SMKN 1 Demak, SMKN 2 Rembang, SMKN 1 Wirosari Grobogan, SMKN 1 Jepon Blora, SMKN 1 Tulung Klaten, and SMKN 1 Kedawung Sragen. Then, SMKN 2 Wonogiri, SMKN 1 Purworejo, SMKN 2 Wonosobo, SMKN 2 Wonosobo, SMKN 1 Punggelan Banjarnegara, SMKN 1.