PLN Use 325 Cars And 1,500 Electric Motors As Official Vehicles
PT PLN (Persero) has implemented the use of electric vehicles (EV) for official vehicles and management operational vehicles ranging from unit to center.
As of July 2023, it was recorded that PLN had used more than 325 electric cars and more than 1,500 electric motorbikes as operational vehicles for companies throughout Indonesia.
The use of electric vehicles is also a follow-up to the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo through Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles as Vehicles for the Operational Service and/or Individual Vehicles of the Central Government Agencies and Regional Government, as well as Circular Letter of the Minister of SOEs Number S- 565/MBU/09/2022 concerning Support for the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road Transportation.
PLN Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and TJSL Gregorius Adi Trianto said PLN continues to support the Government's program to realize clean energy. One of them is through the use of EVs in company operations.
"Even all PLN directors have also used electric cars as official vehicles. This is in line with the initiative by the Government to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution through the use of EVs," said Gregorius in a statement to the media, Monday, August 28.
Support for accelerating the electrical vehicle ecosystem within the company is also proven by PLN by creating an electric motorcycle conversion program for Central PLN employees. A total of 50 oil-fueled motorbikes belonging to employees who register first will be converted into electric motorcycles for free.
"To support the use of EV acceleration, PLN provides convenience for employees who want to convert fuel motorcycles into electric motorcycles, specifically for the first 50 employees it is carried out free of charge, so everything is free," said Gregorius.
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However, said Gregorius, there are several provisions for employees who can get vehicle conversion services for free.
"The motorbike with an engine capacity of 110 to 160 cc, with a valid Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), and the location of the motorbike must be in Jabodetabek," he concluded.
Gregorius added that so far PLN has also continued to support the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem by encouraging the growth of adequate infrastructure in the country. Because the application of electric vehicles is a strategic step for the company to encourage the transformation of national energy.
Currently, there are more than 600 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU), more than 1,400 Public Electric Vehicle Battery Exchange Stations (SPBKLU), as well as more than 9,000 Public Electric Charging Stations (SPLU) spread across Indonesia.
PLN already provides adequate infrastructure, we as drivers must also provide a real example, one of which is using EVs. So people don't hesitate to switch to using EVs," said Gregorius.