451 People Entered DCS Candidates For Members Of The Temanggung Regency DPRD

The General Election Commission of Temanggung Regency, Central Java, has named 451 people on the list of candidates (DCS) for candidates for members of the Temanggung Regency DPRD in the 2024 General Election. He said the DCS consisted of 255 men and 196 women.

"According to the stages, we have made a plenary determination for DCS," said Temanggung Regency KPU chairman M. Yusuf Hasyim in Temanggung, Saturday, August 19.

Yusuf conveyed that of the 16 political parties in Temanggung Regency, there are five political parties that can be maximized in DCS to 45 people, namely PKB, Gerindra, PDIP, Nasdem, and PAN.

Next, Golkar (44), PKS (44), PPP (43), Democrat (25), Perindo (23), Hanura (14), PKN (11), Gelora (9), Ummat (7), Garuda and PSI each with three people.

He said the next stage was the socialization of DCS to the public and the response from the public on 19-23 August 2023.

According to him, of the 451 people in the DCS, it has decreased from the proposed legislative candidate (Babileg).

"This figure is down from yesterday's submission because there are some who do not meet the requirements (TMS) and in total the representation of women has also been fulfilled. The last one was at 459 people yesterday, after the repairs reached the DCS funeral which was set at DCS 451 people," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

He said DCS announcements on August 19-23 2923 can be accessed on the KPU website (http://kab-tengggung.kpu.go.id), print media, and electronic media.

Yusuf said what was conveyed to the public later there would be a response. If there is a response from the public, it will be verified to find out the truth.

"We hope that DCS can be designated as DCT, but political parties can still carry out patchwork, meaning that candidates can still be replaced but cannot add. So the exact figure is 451 people, but it can still be reduced and cannot increase," he said.