Don't Waste It First! This Is A Budget List That Must Be Prepared After Marriage

YOGYAKARTA Regulatory post-marriage finances is something important to do. Unfortunately not all couples have this awareness. Then, what budgets should be prepared after marriage?

Please note, preparing a budget after marriage is a shared responsibility. In preparing it, there needs to be good communication and careful planning. Some of the budgets that need to be prepared are as follows.

Houses or places to live are the basic needs of everyone. In the early period, marriage needs a house can be done by renting or buying a house directly.

If you decide to rent a house, it is advisable to prepare a rental fund as well as savings funds to buy a house. However, if you decide to buy a budget house, what must be prepared is cash or credit per month with the mortgage system.

It is also recommended to allocate your monthly income for home filling such as dining tables, guest chairs, beds, and many more. No need to rush, buying the contents of the house can be done in installments one by one. Prioritize important things first such as beds, cupboards, guest tables, refrigerators, washing machines, and so on.

The budget for daily needs is also equally important. Couples can decide what their daily and monthly needs are. Reduce household consumptive behavior so that the savings target is met.

Preparing funds to pay off debts must also be considered if one partner has a debt or credit burden. Immediately pay off your debt or credit burden after marriage to anticipate other unwanted things.

Ownership of insurance after marriage also needs to be considered. It is recommended to prioritize important insurance such as health insurance and life insurance. Both are important to have to anticipate other unexpected things.

Having savings and investment is also highly recommended, especially for young couples. Savings will help you achieve certain purchasing targets. For example, you plan to buy a vehicle for another 3 years, then that target can be achieved by saving.

Apart from savings, investment also needs to be considered. There are many types of investment that can be owned, such as investing in gold, land, stocks, and so on. Investment will help you get a profit.

If you and your partner plan to run a pregnancy program, try to prepare funds first. Childbirth savings can be paid in installments in advance so that the birth of the baby can be done calmly without thinking about costs.

It is recommended to prepare a budget for children's education, from early childhood education to tertiary education. This is done to meet their educational needs in the future. This budget can be obtained by saving, depositing, or long-term investment.

As the name suggests, emergency funds are a budget prepared for all emergency situations. Emergency emergencies can vary, for example anticipating damaged houses when affected by the disaster, or when you become a victim of theft crimes, and so on. Emergency funds can also be prepared in advance.

Don't underestimate the holidays. Married couples are also advised to take a vacation. But to do so, you have to finish important things first. In addition, holidays also don't have to go far away or luxurious. You can adjust your vacation according to your lifestyle. Adjust to the previously collected budget.

That's information related to the budget that must be prepared after marriage. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.