6 Reasons Why Post-Coital Dysphoria Or Sad After Sex Can OCCUR

JAKARTA - After the sex session is over, generally you and your partner will feel calm and happy. But, what happens if feelings of sadness often hit after intercourse? According to experts, this is normal and is called post-coital dysphoria (CCD).
Post-coital dysphoria is a feeling of sadness, depression, or anxiety that arises after having sex. This feeling can last for a few minutes to a few hours. Its appearance is random, there are only once, several times, or often every time you have sex.
Then, what is the cause of post-coital dysphoria? The following is the explanation, reported by Psychology Today, Friday, August 11.
When orgasm, the body is flooded with hormonal spikes. Unfortunately, after orgasm ends there is a significant decrease in hormones. This decrease in the number of hormones can have negative impacts such as sadness, anxiety, and depression.
Uncertainty about the state of relationship also takes part in causing a person to feel negative after sex. Especially if sex is done to save relationships or have sex with the belief that after this the situation will be better.
This is related to being dissatisfied with physical conditions. In addition to concerns arise from the way a person looks at his own body. People who have problems with a body issue are also anxious and wonder about their partner's opinion about their body. This then leads to post-coital dysphoria.
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Just like people who experience body issues, concerns about sexual performance also cause sadness after having sex. Questions about your partner's opinion about sexual performance will moisturize in the mind. Without conveying these views to your partner, unconsciousness can be a source of anxiety and depression that is quite large for some people.
PCD can also be caused if a partner does not reach an orgasm. There are many reasons physiological, emotional, and social why a person does not have an orgasm. However, the lack of orgasm in one person can cause sadness and depression in others. In addition, individuals who do not have an orgasm, can also experience PCD because they question their inability to orgasm.
If you have problems in relationships, having sexual activity is not a solution to fixing. Sex when there is a problem can actually cause emotional burden. Especially if sex is used to prevent the end of a relationship.
If you or your partner experience PCD, the best solution is to talk about the fear and anxiety you feel. Another technique is sexual aftercare to help increase pleasure and intimacy.
Sex can be a fun experience, but PCD can have a negative impact on this intimate activity. Recognize and recognize the origin of negative feelings and take care of them properly, can improve sexual well-being.